Write these important dates down in your agenda: Homeroom 02/08/2016 Write these important dates down in your agenda: Bring those box tops! Tuesday-Thursday – Dance Tickets on sale – during homeroom and lunch ONLY Friday (02/12/16) – Valentine’s Dance Club & Buddy Pictures Mon.-Fri. (02/15 – 02/19) – Winter Break – No School WE NEED DONATIONS! Bring hand sanitizer and/or tissue to earn Paw Bucks! HOMEROOM = SILENCE
Language Arts – Warm Up 02/08/16 SIT IN YOUR YELLOW GROUPS. Complete any missing or incomplete items within your “Maniac Magee” folder. Your folder check will be TODAY. All journals are at least one or more paragraphs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODAY - FOLDER CHECK TOMORROW – “Maniac Magee” Quiz (Ch. 1-10 Q’s & vocab.) THURSDAY – Vocabulary Quiz – Ch. 11-21
Language Arts – Work Session 02/08/16 Essential Question: What effect does a conflict have on a story and its characters? Standard: LA.6.ELAGSE6R4– Standard: LA.6.ELAGSE6R5–
Language Arts – Work Session 02/08/16 “Significant Character Caricatures” In your folder add “Significant Character Caricatures” to your Table of Contents for page 11. Complete this item based on what you can infer of the characteristics of four different characters in “Maniac Magee”.
Language Arts – Work Session 02/08/16 “It’s Your Choice” Select and complete one item to complete. You will ultimately complete four items total this week. You must bring this packet to class everyday. Your four completed items will be due Friday.
Language Arts – Closing Session 02/08/16 “Maniac Magee” Exit Ticket # 8. On what part of the railroad was Jeffrey running when the Pickwell kids saw him? -------------------------------------------------------------- TODAY - FOLDER CHECK TOMORROW – “Maniac Magee” Quiz (Ch. 1- 10 Q’s & vocab.) THURSDAY – Vocabulary Quiz – Ch. 11-21 Your homework packet is due THURSDAY!
E.L.T. – Now S.T.E.A.M. 02/08/16 E.Q.: How do we use science to help us deal with severe weather? Complete presentations today. Watch BrainPop Video & quiz. Study Jams video & quiz: http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/science/ weather-and-climate/weather-and-climate.htm Don’t forget to turn in the corresponding packet for “Severe Weather” today!