Elements of Physical and Human Environments In geography the word environment is used to describe our total surroundings. This includes the living and non living features of the earth’s surface as well as those features altered or created by people. Geographers divide environments into two kinds: Physical environments and; Human environments
-Elements of Physical Geography ROCKS / SOIL- Lithosphere: The earths solid outer shell. Geographers study the processes shaping the earth’s crust and how these processes affect people. -Elements of Physical Geography SUN- Solar energy: All life on earth depends on the energy (light and heat) produced by the sun. Physical environments are those dominated by natural features, such as landforms and vegetation. Physical environments, include the earth’s soil, water, air, sunlight and all living things. These are often referred to as the elements of physical environments. Elements of the Physical Environment WATER- Hydrosphere: The earth’s store of water and how it circulates. Geographers are interested in how people try to control and manage water resources to meet their needs. PLANTS & ANIMALS- Biosphere: The surface zone of the earth in which all life exists. Geographers are interested in how living things interact with each other and the non living parts of the environment AIR- Atmosphere: The combination of gases that surround the planet. Geographers are interested in weather & climate. They investigate: How climate determines where plants and animals live. How climate affects the activities of people. How the activities of people affect climate
-Elements of Human Environments. Human environments are best defined as all the elements of environments created people. They include the social, cultural, economic and political systems created by humans They also include those features normally associated with settlements, industries and agriculture. It is important to note that the physical and human environments always interact. Physical environments are always affected by the activities of people; and built environments are always affected by events within physical environments. Social: The way in which people organise themselves and other to live in a community Elements of the Human Environment Economic: The production distribution and consumption of goods and services. Political: The manner in which a country, and society generally, is governed. Cultural: The beliefs, traditions and practices characteristic of a group or people.