2-22-2016 Agenda 1 - Practice Files > Must be checked off today 2-22-2016 Agenda 1 - Practice Files > Must be checked off today! LATE! 2 - “Journey” mini project - Due at beginning of class on Wed, 2/24 Example of character animation > color in motion Background/Environment create cartoon environment with walking character - must be scrollable - so make sure you can expand - create with LAYERS! - add depth by having overlapping elements - add details and textures to make more sophisticated - go beyond basic shapes Character TIP > make sure main character is drawn in a MOVIE CLIP SYMBOL and that you use layers for all parts use guides if needed - especially if using a template quick demo - drawing your character - keep all parts in layers! (edit>paste in place) 3 - Intro Animated Song/Poem project - Homework - have song in MP3 format in class on Wednesday * find online in MP3 format, iTunes needs to be converted! Bring on USB drive (do not download here - many sites blocked)
In-class assignments: In-class assignments: * Save all in flash practice folder 1 - Create a 75 frame (or more…) animation using the “frame-by-frame” technique. Create a character and have them do something. Save this as “yourname_frame.fla” 2 - multishape tween (hint - use layers!). 4 rectangles filling up screen 3 - mountains - sunset animation (together in class) 4 - TEXT animation - (together in class) 5 - animation of your name, using layers and motion tweens, about 100 frames (*hint - separate symbol for each letter, use Modify > Timeline > Distribute to Layers so you can tween letters individually) Do something different w/ each letter 6 - Mask layer animation - background layer (drawn) with another mask layer on top, use motion tween with modified motion path 7 - Animation using 3D transform tools and motion tween (remember to create a symbol (must be a movie clip!) to use the 3D tools 8 - Animated button - (something other than a demo from class (circle) use animated movie clip in over or down state 9 - Nested Movie clip - like car w. wheels, but do something else! Make a scene that your object will move through (ex. Hill that car goes over) * tutorial in StuShare folder 10 - Bone tool animation - create movie clips, add bone tool elements, animate (much like a motion tween) using poses * tutorial in StuShare folder