Life Under the Sun Ecclesiastes
“Everything is meaningless”
“Everything is meaningless” The Box is Ruined
“Everything is meaningless” Fix the Box Understand the Box OR
1. Why you cannot fix the Box Foolishness, Misfortune, Death 5:13-14 9:2 7:15 9:11 8:14 deserve ≠ get chase ≠ get
2. Understand the Box The Whole Duty of Man: Fear God and keep His commandments (12:13) God, the Futility-Bringer 1:13 3:1-11a 6:2
2. Understand the Box The Whole Duty of Man: Fear God and keep His commandments (12:13) God, the Hope Bringer Romans 8:20-21 Acts 17:26-27 1 Corinthians 15:12-32
Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (Matt 6:33)