Offering, Accepting and Declining Invitations Offering, Accepting and Declining
What are the typical expressions/vocabulary for invitations? Presentation What are the typical expressions/vocabulary for invitations?
Warm-up- You’re having a party! How would you invite someone to come to a party? Think/ Pair/Share
Warm-up Vocabulary Think/pair/share
Invitations-Brainstorm Invite Decline Accept
Practice Can I recognize expressions/vocabulary, intonation patterns and mood to invite, accept or decline?
Listening Activity We will listen to 4 invitation dialogues
Hand-out 2 On the second hand-out: accept or decline the invitations using new vocabulary. After we will pair and role-play our responses.
Production Can I produce invitation using expressions/vocabulary, intonation patterns and mood?
Hand-out Role-play scenarios: I will hand-out a number of scenarios. Together we will read through them. After, you will pair up and practice using invitation offering, accepting and declining. Lastly, pairs will share their scenarios.
References Party picture_ 08&espv=2&biw=673&bih=618&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved= 0ahUKEwjk7tH9jtPLAhVJx4MKHZiwDvUQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=mD18CxNx ODzOeM%3A