Evobots Studying Evolution Using Lego Robots
What Habitats are These Animals Adapted For?
Adaptations Adaptations are the heritable characteristics that give individuals better chances of surviving and or reproducing.
Car #1 What is this car adapted for?
Car #1 Adapted for s p e e d
Car #1 This Pronghorn Antelope is also adapted for speed.
Car #2 What is this car adapted for?
Car #2 Adapted for CLIMBING
Car #2 This big horned sheep is also adapted for climbing.
Car #3 What is this vehicle adapted for?
Car #3 Adapted for water and land-- amphibious
Car #3 This tiger salamander is also adapted for a life in both land and water. Adapted for water and land-- amphibious
Car #4 What is this vehicle adapted for?
Car #4 Adapted for safety and protection
Car #4 This desert tortoise is also adapted for safety and protection.
Car #5 What is this vehicle adapted for?
Car #5 Adapted as a generalist. It’s good at a lot of things but not great at any.
This coyote is also a generalist. It is medium speed, ok at climbing… Car #5 Adapted as a generalist (speed, protection, climbing…)
Car #6 Toyota Prius (Hybrid)
Car #6 Toyota Prius (Hybrid) Adapted to use less resources
Car #6 This kangaroo rat also survives with few resources. Toyota Prius (Hybrid) Adapted to use less resources
The Ancestral State This is a photo of the first car, a Model-T Ford. All the cars we just looked at evolved from this original
All the cars have a common ancestor but are now adapted for different environments. The Ancestral State Notice how the Toyota Prius evolved from the Toyota Camry. This is a more recent ancestor for the Prius.
A Tale of Intermediate Forms When looking at a 1909 Model-T Ford and a 2010 Ford Mustang it is hard to see how we got from one to the other– they look so different. ?
A Tale of Intermediate Forms However, if we look at the history of cars, we get a better picture 1909 1920
A Tale of Intermediate Forms 1909 1920 1927
A Tale of Intermediate Forms 1909 1920 1927 1932
A Tale of Intermediate Forms 1909 1920 1927 1932 1938
A Tale of Intermediate Forms 1909 1920 1927 1932 1938 1948
A Tale of Intermediate Forms 1909 1920 1927 1932 1938 1948 1952
A Tale of Intermediate Forms 1909 1920 1927 1932 1938 1948 1952 1960
A Tale of Intermediate Forms 1909 1920 1927 1932 1938 1948 1952 1960 1964
A Tale of Intermediate Forms 1909 1920 1927 1932 1938 1948 1952 1960 1964 1968
A Tale of Intermediate Forms 1909 1920 1927 1932 1938 1948 1952 1960 1964 1968 1975
A Tale of Intermediate Forms 1909 1920 1927 1932 1938 1948 1952 1960 1964 1968 1985 1975
A Tale of Intermediate Forms 1909 1920 1927 1932 1938 1948 1952 1960 1964 1968 1975 1995 1985
A Tale of Intermediate Forms 1909 1920 1927 1932 1938 1948 1952 1960 1964 1968 1975 1985 1995 2005
A Tale of Intermediate Forms 1909 1920 1927 1932 1938 1948 1952 1960 1964 1968 1975 1985 1995 2010 2005
A Tale of Intermediate Forms 1975 1985 1909 1920 1927 1932 1938 1948 1952 1960 1964 1968 1995 2010 2005
Evobot Challenge First, we will all build the same ancestral state. Next, you will have 20 minutes to develop a Evobot to compete in a specific environment.
Environments Flats (The fastest evobot has the advantage) Mountains (The evobot that can climb the steepest hill has the advantage)
Other Ways You Can Get Points Founder (The evobot that is completed first has an advantage) Desert (The evobot that uses the least legos or resources gains an advantage) Reproduction (The best looking evobot and the weirdest looking evobot gain an advantage)