Mike Ellis Tissue Viability Clinical Nurse Specialist Pressure Ulcer Reduction: The Role of Unregistered Healthcare Support Workers in Validation and Prevention Mike Ellis Tissue Viability Clinical Nurse Specialist
The mission To reduce pressure ulcer incidence: We lacked: Eliminate avoidable category 4 pressure ulcers Reduce category 2 and 3 pressure ulcers by 50% We lacked: Accurate incidence data on which to monitor improvement A clear process by which validation of pressure damage took place A clear process for the delivery and reiteration of pressure ulcer prevention advice to support front line nurses
The plan 3 year service evaluation All recorded pressure damage validated initially by specialist HCA Delivery of protocol based advice and guidance for prevention and management Referral for formal investigation and wound management advice to Clinical Nurse Specialist
The person Unregistered nurse with general healthcare experience Specialist training in pressure ulcer validation and prevention
The process Pressure Damage Electronically Captured on Ward Validation by TV HCA Repositioning Frequency and Equipment Check by TV HCA Signposting by TV HCA Update Records Report Data
The data
The cost Expenditure Salary band 3 nurse = £53,382 (£17,794 x 3 years) Savings over 3 years based on average cost to healing1 Category 2: 220 x 5,241 = £1,153,020 Category 3: -13 x 9,041 = -£117,533 Category 4: 56 x 14,108 = £790,048 Total savings: £1,825,535 (-£53,382) Net savings: £1,772,153 N.B. these calculations do not account for cost of heel protection equipment 1: Estimates based on Dealey, C., Posnett, J., & Walker, A. (2012). The cost of pressure ulcers in the United Kingdom. Journal of Wound Care, 21(6), pp. 261-266.
The future Continue to strive towards elimination of avoidable pressure damage by collaborative working with the wider health and care community
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