Growing toward maturity A Study of the General Epistle of James
Through learning to count, know, let and ask. Spiritual Life Principle:
Count—A Joyful Attitude. Count, Consider… A financial term: “to evaluate.” Have a right view of God. Adopt a joyful attitude. Outlook determines Outcome… To end with joy, begin with joy!
Know—An Understanding Mind. Mark 9:24, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!” Don’t buy in to the lies. Understand that Faith is ALWAYS tested. Trials give us keen insight into ourselves and a greater understanding of God’s love. Trials are the only way to develop faith.
Let—A Surrendered Will. Cooperation with God: Essential to experiencing a joy filled trial. Serve God with a willing heart: Ephesians 6:6 There is a reward: Character now, Crown of life later.
Ask—A Believing Heart. God will use the lack of or loss of possessions to teach humility. REJOICE in your circumstances! ASK for wisdom. It will help clear the clutter and bring insight. God is willing!
Spiritual Life Principle Application: V.12, “Blessed is the [one] that endures temptation.” For they are complete! What trials are you facing? Are you trusting or bobbing like a cork? How is God wanting to mature you? Learn to count, know, let and ask for unshakable faith.