Claire Jones Local Offer Manager 7th June 2016 Norfolk’s Local Offer “a one stop shop for special educational needs and disability (SEND) in Norfolk” Claire Jones Local Offer Manager 7th June 2016
The Children & Families Act 2014 Services across education, health and care to be jointly commissioned. Education Health and Care plans (EHC plans) to replace statements & Learning Difficulty Assessments (LDAs) with the option of a Personal Budget for families & young people (YP) who want one. New statutory rights for YP in further education (FE), including the right to request a particular institution is named in their EHC plan & the right to appeal to the First-tier tribunal (SEN & Disability). A stronger focus on preparing for adulthood (PfA), including better planning for transition into paid employment & independent living & between children’s and adults services. A clear & transparent Local Offer of services across education, health and social care with CYP and parents involved in preparing & reviewing it.
The Local Offer LAs have a statutory duty to develop & publish a Local Offer. It should set out in one place information about the support they expect to be available in their area across education, health & care. For CYP in their area who have SEN or are disabled, including those who do not have Education Health Care (EHC) plans.
What does it aim to do? Provide clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date information Tell children, young people and families about provision and how to access it Engage children and their parents in its review and development Through the involvement of families and partners, improve provision for children and young people with SEND
Key purpose 1 To provide clear, comprehensive, accessible & up-to- date information about available provision and how to access it.
Norfolk’s Local Offer Both a website and a directory giving information about provision which is available across education, health and social care For children and young people who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities, their families and the professionals who support them
Who’s in the team? Claire Jones, Local Offer Manager Wayne Doman, Local Offer Officer
What’s on? Providers to send in their events so that they can be promoted on the Local Offer. - Things to do for CYP (40 different events before ½ term) - Support events for parents / carers (19 different events before ½ term) - Events and training for professionals (13 different events before ½ term) These three pages are all updated weekly, giving people a reason to return to the Local Offer time and time again. The word is out - new events and training opportunities are added weekly
Key purpose 2 To make provision more responsive to local needs & aspirations by directly involving disabled CYP with SEND and their parents and service providers in its development & review.
Would you like to get involved?
Children & Young People’s Local Offer We are creating a new CYP Local Offer We have consulted CYP during Nov / Dec 2015 Co-producing films and games to go on the CYP Local Offer Content development will be March – October 2016 Totally co-produced with CYP from educational settings across Norfolk Aiming to launch late autumn 2016
Contact details Claire Jones Local Offer Manager Children’s Services – Inclusion Commissioning Team County Hall Floor 3, Bay 15/16 Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2DH T: 01603 224331 M: 07825 995972 E: