Rapid Re-housing for Youth Case Management National Alliance to End Homelessness Conference July 2017
Flagler Housing and Homeless Services Flagler provides rapid re-housing services for homeless individuals and families. Rapid Re-housing services include case management, linking families to community resources, employment referrals, budgeting assistance, and education around tenant responsibilities.
Youth Pilot Program Recognizing a lack of homeless services for youth (18-24) who meet the HUD definition of literal homelessness a Youth Rapid Re-housing pilot program was initiated. This pilot is an extension of our initial program with an additional emphasis of addressing the unique needs of young adults. The structure is designed to discover and prioritize best practices that will enable youth to remain stably housed.
Components of Case Management Housing Stabilization Plan Budgeting Warm hand-offs to community referrals Provide resource materials Partnering with the Community Resource and Employment Navigator Landlord Tenant Education
Things to Consider Lower ratio/caseload More time spent per client: accompany client to appointments, basic life skills, crisis intervention, building support networks Mental health involvement Trust building Private resources for youth – ex. beds, bikes, medication, food cards, bus tickets Self Advocacy and Socialization Experiences Adjunct Services: Mentor Support
Lessons Learned Youth Expectations of the program Supports needed for most vulnerable youth –mental health services, accessing benefits Mentors-Current program practices and restructuring for the future Key to successful transitions: Accessing resources, services, community/family supports and increasing income to remain stably housed
Contact Info Patrice Miles Director of Program Operations Flagler Housing and Homeless Services St. Joseph’s Villa 804-553-3305 pmiles@sjvmail.net