HEARING Working conditions of mobile workers in transport Brussels October 16th 2017
ROAD PACKAGE – POSTING OF DRIVERS EU PROPOSAL: Minimum wage and minimum paid annual holidays applicable in case of posting Definition of posting: + 3 days in host MS driver no longer than 3 days in host MS ≠ posting Clarification needed: Transit = never posting. Should explicitly be mentioned Minimum wage – daily allowances?
ROAD PACKAGE – POSTING OF DRIVERS UETR VISION Positive element: definition of posting Clear rules for counting days However: 3-day rule is disadvantage for mainly SME in small MS; companies in peripheral MS drivers pass through several MS in one month. Will lead to huge administrative burden for company Will lead to uncertainty for drivers.
ROAD PACKAGE – POSTING OF DRIVERS Journey Spain – Netherlands: Spanish law (home country) France: transit Belgium: transit Netherlands: 0,5day posting
ROAD PACKAGE – POSTING OF DRIVERS Return journey Netherlands – Spain: Netherlands: posting (= dutch minimum wage) Belgium: unloading = posting (Belgian minimum wage) France: unloading=posting (French minimum wage) Return Spain: Spanish law
ROAD PACKAGE – POSTING OF DRIVERS ADMINISTRATIVE BURDEN Positive: no more representative needed UETR pleads for: One single European registration platform Possibility to upload documents instead of in cabin
ROAD PACKAGE – POSTING OF DRIVERS REMARK Current problems are caused by enormous differences in labour cost, due to differences in social security Current proposals will not fundamentally modify labour cost differences