Fundamentals of Tolling Partnering with DMVs Randy Brown, Vice Chairman July 19, 2011
Tolling Evolution All Electronic Tolling (AET) Highway speed RFID system with video backup, NO CASH COLLECTION Smaller footprint Less expensive installations First US Installation in Texas Eight authorities have installed/are installing and over nine authorities are studying AET Rapidly becoming the universal norm
All Electronic Tolling Operating/Implementing AET Developing AET Systems
Implications for DMVs What is the significance of AET for DMVs Increased reliance on video billing Plate readability Color schemes, stacked characters, specialty plates, etc. Optical Character Recognition system capability Increased reliance on DMV databases Accessibility Accuracy
Building Alliances Partnering with AAMVA in planning future programs Potential for shared databases Violation enforcement Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
Questions? Randy Brown, Vice Chairman Alliance for Toll Interoperability