2010 Election Result
2015 Election Result
Change in % Vote
The Campaign Team Jamie Bruce – Surveys & Canvassing Ian Grant- High Viz and Election Agent Tony Grahame - Campaign Manager Fergus Henderson - Deliveries/Leafleting/Hubs Bob Glen – getting the vote out GOTV Colin Keir - Political Advice/National liaison/Candidate support Mary Knox - Finance/Data entry Tony Sutton - Opposition intelligence Frazor Murphy & David Brooks – leaflet writing & design Gareth Quinn - Key Grip and Best Boy Michelle Thomson- best candidate ever
Key Elements to Winning Voters recognising – we can win Talk to voters Voter Identification Targeting Postal Vote Recruitment Getting the Vote out High Visibility Communication Strategy
Challenges Short campaign – under 3 months Late selection of candidate Winter – dark nghts Full budget for short campaign Keeping positive
Communication Strategy Tune in to the political mood Curve of engagement Referendum……..Christmas.New Year…….Domestic Issues………National Campaign…Election
Communication Strategy Tune in to the political mood Curve of engagement Referendum……..Christmas.New Year…….Domestic Issues………National Campaign…Election
Talk to Voters Doorstep surveys Street stalls Newsletters and feedback Elected representatives Social Media Website
VOTER ID 73,146 Voters 38,794 Houses We now have many identified SNP voters We have ID’d a significant part of the electorate
Doorstep Surveys Local Surveys Named Supported by Elected Representatives Feature Candidate Knock In Virtuous Circle of Feedback and Newsletter Local Issues picked up and responded to High visibility Meet the voter
Feedback Newsletter
Legacy Bank of email addresses mobile phone numbers Data on switching Issues raised by electorate Personal contact and communication
Getting our Vote Out Postal Vote Recruitment Postal Vote Knock-up Supporters Communications Envelope stuffers and Labelers Telephone contact Reading System Polling Day Knock-up Email knock up
What now? Keep the campaign momentum going Thank you communication Feedback to points raised Communicate survey results Recruit members Recruit postal voters Input marked register Activate training Record delivery runs on Activate Plan and start the Scottish Parliament election
Thank You