Jewish Minorities in the Arab Middle East After the foundation of the Israeli state, many of these people were persecuted. In 1948, for instance, discrimination against Jews became systematic in Iraq. There were anti-Jewish riots in Baghdad, probably encouraged by the Iraqi government, Jews were arrested, and Jews who worked for public concerns (ports, railroads, and the like) were dismissed from their jobs. Over 120,000 Iraqi Jews emigrated to Israel. They were joined by 31,000 Jews from Libya, by 40,000 from Yemen, 80,000 from Egypt, and 10,000 from Syria.
UN RESOLUTIONS Resolution No. 194 “resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return Resolution No. 237, adopted in 1967, “calls upon the government of Israel to ensure the safety, welfare and security of the inhabitants of the areas where military operations have taken place and to facilitate the return of those inhabitants who have fled the area since the outbreak of hostilities.”
Refugees in Lebanon First years, great support and sympathy However, once it became evident that there would be no early return, the Lebanese authorities imposed strict measures on the refugees, especially those residents in the refugee camps. In the early twenty-first century, 56 percent of the Palestinians have been living in refugee camps
Sufferings in the Camps
Sufferings in the Camps
No Expansion-No Reconstruction
Job Opportunities Palestinians in Lebanon are also severely restricted in occupations they may pursue. In the last two decades of the twentieth century, the Ministry of Labor has issued a number of ministerial decisions enumerating a list of jobs, trades and professions that would prefer nationals in the private sector. As for the remaining unskilled jobs and manual labor Palestinian refugees must get a work permit. And usually, it is not easy for Palestinian refugees to obtain work permits.
Employment Opportunities UNRWA Palestinian and International Non-Governmental Organizations Small enterprises within and around camps Some skilled Palestinians (engineers, technicians and physicians) have to work illegally in the Lebanese private sector for low wages, and without any security provisions.