Image Grammar “Brushstrokes” “The writer is an artist, painting images of life with specific and identifiable brush strokes, images as realistic as Wyeth and as abstract as Picasso. In the act of creation, the writer, like the artist, relies on fundamental elements.” Harry R. Noden
Absolute Brush Stroke •Noun + ing verb •Function: adds to the action Core: The car went into the parking lot. Absolute Brush Stroke •Noun + ing verb •Function: adds to the action Core: The car went into the parking lot. Engine smoking, gears grinding, the car went into the parking lot Engine smoking, gears grinding, the car went into the parking lot.
Add an :Absolute Brushstroke Instead of: The man jumped out of the plane. Write:
Add an Absolute Brushstroke The dog barked at the mailman.
Appositive Brushstroke A noun that adds a second image to a preceding noun, restate the noun •Function: expands detail in the reader’s imagination •Core: The car went into the parking lot. •The car, a 1936 Ford, went into the parking lot.
Add an Appositive Brushstroke Instead of: The tornado swept across the plains. Write:
Painting with Participles Function: evokes action, makes the reader feel a part of the experience. Core: The car went into the parking lot. Sliding on the loose gravel, the car went into the parking lot.
Add a Participle Brushstoke Instead of: The deer stood at the edge of the woods. Write:
Painting with Adjectives Out-of-Order Shift two adjectives after the noun Function: intensifies an image, gives it rhythm (Avoid 3 adjectives in a row) Core: The car went into the parking lot. The old car, rusty and dented, went into the parking lot.
Add Adjectives Out-of-Order Instead of: The sun rose over the lake. Write:
Add Action Verbs Brushstrokes Verbs that do action Function: effective image tools, energize images •Core: The car went into the parking lot. •The car chugged into the parking lot.
Add Action Verbs Brushstrokes Instead of: The mysterious plane flew through the sky. Write:
Graphic Organizer and Example
Ask: How does it feel. What does it look like. How does it sound Ask: How does it feel? What does it look like? How does it sound? How does it taste? How does it smell? Observation Impression Add a Brushstroke A cat in trouble, struggling to hang on Claws digging, paws kicking, the cat clung to the tree branch Cat, branch, dangling
Practice “Zooming In”
Practice “Zooming In”