Basque language: is IT right on? BASQUE OMBUDSMAN Basque language: is IT right on? Promoting language rights through IT in public administration and courts Rafael Sainz de Rozas
Linguistic competence in the three Basque territories BASQUE OMBUDSMAN Linguistic competence in the three Basque territories
Percentage of students under 17 attending school in Basque BASQUE OMBUDSMAN Percentage of students under 17 attending school in Basque
Three key features BASQUE OMBUDSMAN Dialectization Bilingualism Diglossia Three key features
LANGUAGE TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT FOR BASQUE BASQUE OMBUDSMAN LANGUAGE TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT FOR BASQUE On line translation and interpretation schemes Multilingual text processing, speech recognition systems and language checking Machine translation or cross-lingual information retrieval Global visibility
BASQUE OMBUDSMAN Evolution of the access to househould IT equipment for the 15 and over 15-year-old population. In percentage, 1999-2016. (Eustat)
Lenguage technologies BASQUE OMBUDSMAN Multimedia & multimodality technologies Text technologies Speech technologies Lenguage technologies Knowledge technologies Lenguage Technologies
A Typical Text Processing Application Architecture: BASQUE OMBUDSMAN A Typical Text Processing Application Architecture: Gramma-tical Analysis Task-Specific Modules OUTPUT Pre-processing Semantic Analysis INPUT TEXT
Challenging particularities in Basque morphology BASQUE OMBUDSMAN Challenging particularities in Basque morphology Basque is an agglutinative and high-inflective Basque is postpositional; phrases are formed by attaching a suffix or concatenating more than one to the end of a word, according to the following scheme: root + (article) + (number) + (case(s). The auxiliary verb not only agrees with the subject, but also with the direct object and complements the speaker refers to. Basque phrase order is topic-focus: the focus directly precedes the verb phrase.
Eye have a spelling chequer, It came with my Pea Sea. BASQUE OMBUDSMAN Eye have a spelling chequer, It came with my Pea Sea. It plane lee marks four my revue Miss Steaks I can knot sea.
Statistical language model BASQUE OMBUDSMAN CORRECTION PROPOSALS Statistical language model INPUT TEXT Spelling check Grammar check Lenguage Checking (bottom: rule-based; top: statistical)
Matching and relevance BASQUE OMBUDSMAN Web Search Architecture Search Results Pre-processing Semantic processing Web pages Indexing Matching and relevance Pre-processing User query Query analysis
Simple Speech-based Dialogue Architecture BASQUE OMBUDSMAN Simple Speech-based Dialogue Architecture Signal processing Speech input Recognition Central language understanding & dialogue Speech output Speech Synthesis Phonetic lookup & Intonation planning
Machine translation (top: statistical; bottom: rule-based) BASQUE OMBUDSMAN Machine translation (top: statistical; bottom: rule-based) Text analysis (formatting, morphology, syntax, etc.) Source text Translation rules Statistical machine translation Post-editing (formatting, context, etc.) Target text
Assessment criteria for existant language related IT ressources BASQUE OMBUDSMAN Quantity Reliability Quality Coverage Maturity Sustainability Adaptability Assessment criteria for existant language related IT ressources
JUSTICE POLICE HEALTH BASQUE OMBUDSMAN Importance of the POWER over SERVICE paradigm The insistance on using the basque language by bilingual citizens tends to be perceived as a non-collaborative attitude in power-ridden administrations. Priority to EFFICIENCY over IDENTITY Putting at risk the efficiency of communication in difficult or even life-threatening situations dissuades the bilingual citizens from using basque in health, judiciary or police settings.
little snail climb Mt Fuji inch by inch BASQUE OMBUDSMAN little snail climb Mt Fuji inch by inch Yoshi Mikami Issa (Kobayashi Nobuyuki 1762-1826)