Georgian Research & Development Foundation (GRDF)


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Presentation transcript:

CRDF Global/GRDF Programmatic Activity to Promote Knowledge Based Economy in Georgia Georgian Research & Development Foundation (GRDF) Technology Commercialization and Innovation Conference 29 – 31 March, 2017

Georgian Research & Development Foundation (GRDF) Non-government, non-profit foundation since 2001, promoting international scientific and technical collaboration. Major goals of GRDF: Support of R&D potential in Georgia; Support of young researchers and scientists; Development and strengthening of international scientific collaboration; Involvement of former weapon scientists into civilian research; Contribution to development of knowledge based Economy. The U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) is a private, non-profit foundation authorized by Congress in 1992 and established by the U.S. National Science Foundation in 1995. In its original authorization, CRDF was to be an endowed foundation established to address issues related to scientists – of all kinds – following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The endowment from Congress never took place, but CRDF has survived through annual funding from a variety of sources and strong partnerships. CRDF was established to Provide alternatives to emigration – to help create jobs and opportunity for scientists in Russia, so that they would not need to leave Russia in order to survive Advance defense conversion – to help create jobs and opportunity for scientists in civilian pursuits, rather than military CRDF was to do this by Assisting Russia to establish a market economy – not just any market economy, but an economy that could engage scientists in civilian pursuits and would enable them to see opportunity at home And, last, but not least, CRDF was to provide opportunity for the United States, too – by providing access to Sophisticated new technologies World-class scientists and engineers and New markets and new opportunities

GRDF Funding priorities Support of competitively capable scientific R & D; Support of young scientists and engineers; Development of research potential within universities; Support of business oriented scientists (STEP);

GRDF Programs International Project Management Peer-review competitions and Grant administration Organizing of conferences, trainings, workshops Support Entrepreneurship and Innovation Granted over $19 million throughout over 200 projects since inception, engaging more than 750 Georgian researchers

Development of Research Potential within Universities, Integration Research into Education programs Georgian Centers of Research and Education (CoRE) Program - Established at Ilia State University - Exploring Biodiversity of Caucasus Center for Pathogen Research and Education (CPRE) - Study of molecular characteristics of pathogens in Georgia - Integration pathogen study into the education system

Foster Development of Knowledge-based Economy STEP Program Local Institutions Train Entrepreneurs Build Community Science Business Commercial Opportunity Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Program Catalyzing Local Development through Local Innovation

Foster Development of Knowledge-based Economy Business Partnership Grant Program (BPG) Program conducted eight times Significant co-funding from Shota Rustaveli National Science foundation At least 15% company cash contribution was mandatory In total 50 innovative projects funded

Foster Development of Knowledge-based Economy BPG program - General results: 140 business oriented scientists and 70 companies participated 50 Science & Business contacts set Up to 40 innovative technologies were tested (including prototyping) About 20 innovative products were presented to the market 4 technology based start-up companies were created Science teams and partner companies/technology based start-up companies received profit up to 400.000 GEL About 30 patent applications (Georgian national and PCT) were filed Licensing processes for 4-5 technologies are under negotiation

“Peer Review and Sustainable Science for Georgia” Program start date – August, 2011 Funding from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (U.S. DTRA) Series of Grant competitions and intensive trainings Involving scientists from Georgian Universities and Research Institutions

Program objective – further DTRA’s effort to reduce risk of biological weapons proliferation and enhance biosafety and security by: Improving outreach to younger scientists and the university community Strengthening regional collaboration Building ties with a broader range of institutions and scientists Expanding the range of research funded Promoting the integration of research into universities Improving the professional skills of Georgian researchers Enhancing capabilities and opportunities for technology commercialization

Technology commercialization under the DTRA program Technology Commercialization Offices (TCO) Grant program Business Partnership Grant Program (BPG) Technology Commercialization Training

Technology Commercialization Office (TCO) grant program Two Technology Commercialization Offices (TCO) established in Tbilisi TCO mission - helping to lead institutions towards technology commercialization and encourage science to business linkages U.S. mentorship for the TCO teams Intensive educational activity with Georgian scientific community on commercialization efforts Competitions to identify market oriented technologies

Business Partnership Grant Program (BPG) Program goal: Support Georgian scientist to assess the market value of their innovation and commercialization of their products 5 grants awarded to Georgian scientific teams U.S. mentorship to each team Innovative products developed under all 5 projects were presented to the local Market Local patent applications for the developed products are being filed One technology was filed at USPTO for the U.S. patent

Technology Commercialization Workshop Conducted in April 2015 Targeted sector – BPG program applicant teams (25 scientists) U.S. based Commercialization experts provided training Training topics: Business Skills Development, Technology Commercialization, Intellectual Property, etc

Thank you for your attention! Nikoloz Burdiashvili Program Manager 7, Mindeli str. 0186 Tbilisi, Georgia Tel: +995 32 232 0168 web:; e-mail: