Philip Perez;Jianxin Bao; Why do hair cells and spiral ganglion neurons in the cochlea die during aging? Philip Perez;Jianxin Bao; Fay and Carl Simmons Center for the Biology of Hearing and Deafness, Department of Otolaryngology, Washington University Medical School, 660 S. Euclid, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA ; Figure 2. Age-related loss of MOC terminals in the cochlea. A Schematic drawing of the organ of Corti, which shows the MOC innervations red. B Histological cochlear sections of Thy-1-YFP transgenic mice at 2 top and 12 bottom months old. The OHCs are located by the nuclei staining left, blue, and the MOC terminals by YFP signal right, red. null,null,2(3),231-241. Doi:null