UNEG 2017 Annual General Meeting Professionalization of Evaluation Wednesday, 18 May 2017 Judita Jankovic (ICAO) and Susanne Mattsson (UNFPA), Co-Conveners 9:05-9:45 Session 1: Strategic Objective 1: Evaluation functions and products of UN entities meet the UNEG Norms and Standards for evaluation Andrea Cook, UNEG Vice Chair Professionalization sub-group highlights 2016 & next steps: Judita Jankovic (ICAO) and Susanne Mattsson (UNFPA), Convener and Deputy-Convener Location: M2 On behalf of Susanne Mattsson and myself as the co-convenors of this group, we’d like to acknowledge and thank our active members of the working group, as well as the UNEG Secretariat for supporting our work
Objectives of AGM session Provide an overview of key activities and results in 2016-2017 Present pilot project lessons Seek endorsement of work plan for 2017-2018 Propose options for continuation of this group
Professionalization sub-group Active members: ICAO UNFPA WFP UN Women ILO A quick overview on who we are for those who may be new to UNEG and the AGM. Please note that these are the active members however there are other representatives to this group (10 in total). We need to gain more active members although working with a smaller group has been probably more efficient.
Key activities and results Finalization and adoption of ECF Dissemination Webinars – UNEG Workshops – EES, NY-UN, UKES, UNEG-EPE, Geneva Products – design, production, distribution Pilot projects Supported 6 pilots in 5 organizations Conducted progress monitoring Disseminated lessons from pilots ECF document finalized, printed and widely distributes ECF leaflet and tool designed, printed The key activities and results of the WG during 2016 and 2017 focused on finalizing the ECF document (and get it adopted), dissemination activities of the ECF and on supporting the development of pilot projects across UN organizations for the purpose of implementing the ECF. Dissemination activities involved Susanne and I delivering webinars and workshops, as well as overseeing and managing the design, production and distribution of a number of information products. In terms of the webinars we have delivered one for UNEG with external commentators and we intend to repeat it this year and deliver it to other entities such as VOPEs both from the Global South and North. This year, we have also delivered two workshops in New York in April, and a workshop that focused on evaluation consultants and the UNEG evaluation competency during the UKES conference last week. We plan to deliver a session during the EPE this week. We will also be delivering a similar workshop to the NY based one in Geneva following the UNEG week and another one is scheduled for participants of a UNSSC course on monitoring and evaluation in Bonn later this year. We participated at a Panel and delivered a workshop during the EES conference in Maastricht last year. We hope that you have already seen and have a copy of the information products related to the ECF: the main publication, the booklet and the ECF wheel. In terms of the pilot projects, we have managed the pilot project applications, assessed and selected pilots to launch, monitored their progress and elicited lessons learned. Currently, there are 4 ongoing pilots at UNFPA, WFP, UN Women and ILO. We will highlight some preliminary lessons shortly.
WFP - designing an Evaluation Learning programme To strengthen professional competencies for decentralized evaluations Initial lessons: Target different groups of staff Make the programme practical Develop and support ‘learning cohorts’ Initial lessons… The importance of the programme targeting different types of staff functions to accommodate the different types of evaluation knowledge required….(introduction, targeted at decision-makers, support functions to evaluations and the managers of evaluations) The importance of making the programme ‘practical’ (to follow staff as they manage an evaluation) and to combine e-learning with face-to-face learning and knowledge sharing mechanism.. To develop and support the ‘learning cohorts’ after training and to encourage engagement in WFP’s online evaluation community….
ILO – internal evaluation training programme To strengthen capacity to conduct internal programme and project evaluations. Initial lessons: It is a challenge to conduct distance learning with staff who are very busy with other tasks Face-to-face training with coaching remains the best mean even though it costs more Highly qualified trainees help to create an effective learning atmosphere. Lessons related to curriculum design –preliminary material, field examples, theory and practical exercise Initial lessons… Curriculum development, Recruitment and selection, delivery of training, and inter-departmental cooperation - this is mentioned in the pilot progress report…but what lessons so far not clarified ?? Craig – can you please flesh the lessons out? The below two lessons shared via e-mail last week….. It is a challenge to conduct distance learning with staff who are very busy with other tasks. Face-to-face training with coaching remains the best mean even though it costs more. Preliminary information received before the start-up of the training builds the capacity of all trainees so that there is not a big variation in their knowledge base. Participants appreciate a balance between theoretical presentations (paradigms and 'Theory of Change') and practical exercises (last day evaluation of campus facilities). The ILO Regional Evaluation Officers from Africa and from Asia Pacific attended the pilot. The concrete examples from the field that these colleagues provided complemented the generic presentations made by the facilitators.
UN Women - Professionalisation initiative To strengthen the evaluation function Initial lessons: Adapt the ECF to M&E roles and to the specific organizational context Engage Human Resources department Use in-house existing resources Ensure motivation - certificate of completion Ensure that the process for credentialing has a base-line self assessment and assessment based on practical management of evaluation To strengthen the evaluation function – process of credentialing to assure the appropriate skills and competencies for managing gender-responsive evaluations.. Initial lessons… The importance to adapt UNEG evaluation competencies to M&E roles and to the specific context of UN Women It is key to engage department for Human Resources Also key to use in-house existing resources (for UN Women it has been the training centre and HR learning focal point) Certificate after completed training is motivating factor… Process for credentialing – base-line self assessment and assessment based on practical management of evaluation..
UNFPA – Self-assessment exercise To strengthen self-reflective practice and to identify linkages between performance and professionals development needs Initial lessons: Reflect not only on technical but on interpersonal skills also Identify different categories/functions of staff within an evaluation office Link self-assessment to practical opportunities for capacity development UNFPA – self-assessment exercise linked to identifying relevant professional development initiatives To strengthen self-reflective practice and to identify linkages between performance and professionals development needs. This is a small initiative within a broader work to elaborate an ECD strategy UNFPA Initial lessons… There is great value to reflect on your competencies, and not only on technical skills but also on “soft skills” (for example communication skills) That it is useful to identify different categories/functions of staff within an evaluation office Important to think through how to link self-assessment to practical opportunities for capacity development for enhanced value of exercise and to be an instrument of encouragement.xercise linked to identifying relevant professional development initiatives
Proposal for a Work Plan 2017-2018 Continued implementation of the ECF pilots HR focus and engagement Expand the target groups Continue collecting critical lessons Continue with dissemination of the ECF With emphasis on application Webinars, workshops etc. Have the ECF translated as a foundational document of UNEG These activities reflect what may be viewed as continued needs that should or could be addressed under the professionalization umbrella. The pilot projects are only few and there is a need to expand their application to other target groups, including to have an HR focus (how to use it in the HR context). During the workshops we held in New York, participants expressed that Heads of evaluation need to talk to and commit Heads of HR departments to gain traction in this area. Both the ongoing pilots and introducing a mentoring programme provide practical initiatives and applications of the ECF. Parking lot: Use of rosters for evaluation consultants and staff Compile best practice and draft guidance Revision of the ethical guidelines and code of conduct
Proposal for a Work Plan 2017-2018 Continue engagement with other stakeholders VOPEs from the Global North and the South) Mentoring programme Compile success factors and lessons on mentoring systems for evaluation Compile success factors and lessons on mentoring systems for evaluation as input into UNEG guidance and best practice for organizations
Strategic options Option A: Status Quo WG remains and continues as a group on its own Option B: Redefine as part of ECD* Professionalization becomes part of evaluation capacity development Option C: Dismantle the WG Main goals have been achieved and there is no need for additional tasks / activities We now present few options to the heads of evaluation functions on the strategic direction of this working group. Since we have a proposed work plan and in consideration of consultation feedback with our members, we are in favour of Option B. Option 1 means that the WG continues as is, with a new work plan for 2017-2018 that we presented today Option 2 means that professionalization is part and parcel of ECD, with NECD being one aspect of it. This would enable closer synergies with ECD efforts Option 3 is about dismantling the WG altogether, given that the main goals as originally envisaged since 2014 have now been achieved (conceptualization of professionalization and revision of the ECF) * Currently no ECD group, but would be good to have one in its own right with close ties to NECD
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