Background The Tsantsabane Community Development Trust (TCDT) was registered in 2014 as part of Sishen Iron Ore Company –Community Development Trust’s (SIOC-cdt’s) list of beneficiaries. The Trust is a public benefit organization which was established to provide sustainabile socio economic activities within the community of Postmasburg and its surrounding areas in support of public benefit services and activities that are in line with the SIOC-cdt’s vision. The TCDT receives 15% of the SIOC-cdt’s allocation to Beneficiary Trusts. The Trust was registered to serve the communities within the Tsantsabane Municipality.
PROJECTS As we are a Project Driven Entity, our main goal is to implement projects that supports self-sustainability of our communities in Tsantsabane beyond the existence of mining activities in the following focus areas: Education and Skills Development Enterprise Development Healthcare
TCDT PROJECTS Below are projects the Trust has implemented and currently busy with since being established: Risk Assessment and Completion of Outstanding Security Work in Schools Grade 9 Career Exhibition Teacher Assistance Project Current Projects: Bursary Project Tsantsabane Teacher Development Project Tsantsabane ECD Practitioner Training
Enterprise development FOCUS Our current focus in Enterprise Development: Identify enterprises with bankable business plans and develop them through the incubation process. Development of skills such as - Computer Sciences, Business Skills, Artisan Skills. Assist in marketing businesses to enable more awareness to other customers.
COntribution As we are a project driven entity our focus is on developing our communities through the impact of our projects. Our biggest contribution would be the implementation of enterprise development projects as it is one of the focus areas our Trust have identified to have more sustainable and impactful results. We believe that in order for such projects to be successful and to achieve the greatest output the following would need to be achieved: Forming partnerships with other similar project driven entities to implement these projects together. Working closely with local SMME’s on these projects as the objectives of the projects needs to speak to their business needs.
ConCLUSION As we are currently looking at developing a guideline that will assist us in implementing enterprise development projects, our main goal at this workshop is to receive information from our local businesses and other stakeholders that will inform us on the direction to take in implementing enterprise development initiatives in Tsantsabane. We are also keen on partnering with other Stakeholders on Enterprise Development initiatives, because through a collaborative approach we can achieve more.
CONTACT DETAILS Address: 1 Cam Street, Sibilo Shopping Centre, Shop Number 3, Postmasburg, 8420 Telephone: 053 313 0011, 053 313 0040 Fax: 053 313 0013 Email: admin@t-cdt.co.za