Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Capacity Building Cambridge Conference Keith R. Thackrey GSDI Secretariat 20-25 August, 2003
Topics Background Capacity Building Funding and Current Programs
GSDI History Started in the mid 1990s Small group of visionaries The same benefits that are realized internally translate across international boundaries
GSDI Purpose To encourage the collection, processing, archiving, integrating, and sharing of geospatial data and information using common standards and interoperable systems and techniques ….. and accessible via the web
GSDI Conferences 1st International meeting held in Bonn Germany in 1995 A small group of invited attendees only 6th International GSDI meeting Budapest in September 2002 Jointly with International Steering Committee for Global Map (ISCGM) Over 250 attendees Representing over 50 countries
GSDI-6 Resolution Resolution 4 – Capacity Building for NSDI The GSDI Association will give special attention to develop capacity building efforts with particular reference to obtaining resources for sustained capacity building in developing nations.
Capacity Building
Basic Training Build a common basis for discussion and development Concepts Definitions Tools
Regional Training Begin work on Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) National SDI (NSDI) information sharing Things that worked and didn’t Facilitator brings examples Participants share examples Maintain in training data base, and GSDI cookbook Every current NSDI has weaknesses There are no “smart people” telling “ignorant people” how to do it Begin small 4 to six nations Start with a single sub-region in each region Expand to other nations within sub-regions Expand to other sub-regions within region
Sustainability Establish task force of local, regional, and global partners to monitor growth Establish national and regional coordinators Track progress against pre-defined criteria (goals of regional training) Build remediation plans to address shortfalls
Beyond GIS NSDI is only valuable as a tool to the non-GIS communities Identify and contact user disciplines Workshops for other disciplines Components of NSDI (GIS basics) How to use NSDI (discipline specific) Successful examples (discipline and region specific)
Funding GSDI doesn’t need to lead the individual projects, but should be a partner GSDI must coordinate across projects to ensure we achieve global goals Many other partners Potential grant sources National contributions
Current Projects Global Map (GM)/GSDI Grant Intergraph Grant MACGA URISA GeoCorps JICA Sponsored Regional GM/GSDI Nairobi Training Examples of other partners -Global Map (ISCGM) -Eros Data Center (EDC) -International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) Grant Sources -Industry (e.g., ESRI, Intergraph) -Government (e.g., JIVA, RAVI, USAID) -NGO/Foundations
Additional Information Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Federal Geographic Data Committee Open GIS Consortium European Umbrella Org. for Geog. Info. Permanent Comm. For the Americas PCGIAP