Alliance For Health Care Reform Trends in Coverage and Affordability on the ACA Marketplaces July 15, 2016 Alliance For Health Care Reform Kevin Lucia, M.H.P., J.D. Research Professor Georgetown University
Overview Insurer Participation in the Marketplaces Beyond UnitedHealthcare in 2017 Federal Considerations and Ongoing Concerns
Insurer Participation in the Marketplaces In 2016, insurer participation in the marketplace remained relative stable Nine SBMs experienced no net change, while three saw a net gain and five realized a decline HHS reported a similar trend in the FFM Analysis shows more stability than news coverage would suggest Moving into 2017… Despite recent announcements of insurer departures, including United and multiple CO-OPs, we need to look broadly at participation trends relating to new entrants, expanded service areas, and local competition Could insurer participation rules stimulate increased competition? Many SBMs have used insurer participation rules as a lever for driving competition; some indications of success
Looking Beyond UnitedHealthcare: Varying Perspectives Exist While UnitedHealthcare is one of the nation’s largest insurers, it’s important to consider its role in the marketplaces Was slow to enter the marketplaces and expanded rapidly Has not always played a major role in driving competition Maintains a modest share of marketplace enrollment A balanced analysis requires a broader perspective of marketplace stability Looked to the largest, publicly traded insurers participating in the marketplaces and reviewed first quarter earnings calls and financial statements Realized other experiences and perspectives on the marketplace exist
Beyond UnitedHealthcare: What are other, large, publicly traded insurers telling investors? Insurers are not withdrawing from the marketplaces en masse There appears to be along term committed to the marketplaces For example, Anthem noted continued participation in 14 marketplaces and the potential for future expansion Marketplace enrollment remains stable, growing for some Most insurers experienced recent membership growth For example, Aetna reported enrollment above expectations, with a gain of about 200,000, while Molina experienced the largest total membership increase — 420,000 — in the company’s history
Beyond UnitedHealthcare: What are other, large, publicly traded insurers telling investors? Risk pools continue to evolve, but some are experiencing a healthier mix than others While evidence suggests, unsurprisingly, that marketplace consumers have been sicker, on average, than enrollees in the nongroup market, the risk experiences of insurers have varied For example, Molina commented that its marketplace enrollees have been comparatively healthy, while Centene noted that its risk mix remains consistent with expectations Insurers continue to view the marketplaces as offering unique business opportunities For example, most insurers continue to assert that the marketplaces offer value and claim they are, for example, “well positioned” (Anthem) or in a “very good place” (Anthem) to grow and sustain this line of business
Recent Federal Responses Have Attempted to Address Ongoing Concerns Insurers flagged perceived challenges to their marketplace business, such as changes to the ACA’s risk-adjustment program and tightening eligibility standards for special enrollment periods Indications that federal regulators are listening to insurer concerns, such as offering changes to SEP rules, restricting the sale of short-term durational policies and considering adjustments to the risk adjustment methodology
Looking Forward Insurance industry doesn’t have a monolithic perspective on the marketplaces There are clearly insurers that see a business value in marketplace participation Not all insurers will thrive in this new and developing market Some will not be able to compete in an environment where consumer protection rules reward effective risk management and prohibit discriminatory practices Federal and state policymakers need to look for opportunities to: Stabilize and diversify risk pools, improve local market competition, encourage insurers to compete on product quality rather than premium alone, and promote effective risk management
Thank you! Kevin Lucia, M.H.P., J.D. Research Professor (202) 687-4928