The 30 Second Challenge! You will need a whiteboard, pen and a wipe for this challenge. Have your notes, pens and folders out ready for the lesson.
Primary Key Data Entry Forms Searching Flat File Database Data Inconsistency Foreign Key Flat File Database Relational Database Data Redundancy Validation Data Entry Forms Entity Searching
Write down as many key terms as you can remember (45 Secs). Your understanding will be tested further…
Share the keywords you have remembered with your partner or in your group of 3 (You have 2 minutes to ensure you have all the keywords shown and know what they are.)
Time to test your knowledge!!
Homework Your homework time is dedicated to the write up sections of your coursework that you have started with Tina. Aim to complete the sections Tina asks you to complete. This will help you with completing the final coursework by the deadline date and give you an opportunity to receive feedback on each of the sections so that you can maximise your grade.
INFO 4 - Relational Database Design & Implementation
Objectives… Design and implement relational databases for your own coursework
Apply your knowledge Using the Database worksheet (Teacher will share) you should now be creating your own database for your coursework. This is so that you can visualise what you are creating as it will assist with your write up! When you start creating your database there is a hyperlink to a MS Access tutorial website that will help you with your construction. You can always ask your teacher for help if there are any areas that you do not know.
Plenary How many keywords have you learned today and what were they?