Unit Award Scheme (UAS) Using UAS simply and effectively
What does UAS offer? Units in a wide range of activities and/or topics Over 10 000 units to choose from Can be used with any age and ability Links to some AQA unit-based qualifications Recognises achievement – is not a qualification Point 4 relates to ELC and PSE qualifications Point 5 should be stressed and that even though comparable levels are given for each unit it is not a qualification UNIT AWARD SCHEME
How can UAS help us? Helps plan course delivery Flexibility in assessment and evidence Can be used over a short timescale Can be used to accredit what we are already doing with our learners, ie curriculum-led assessment UNIT AWARD SCHEME
How can UAS help our learners? Sets clear targets Gives prompt feedback Increases engagement, motivation, performance and self-esteem Can provide a stepping stone to employment, further education, training and independent living UNIT AWARD SCHEME
What will the learner receive? A Unit Award Certificate This is issued promptly each time a learner completes a unit Lists all the outcomes the learner has achieved It might be worth copying a certificate and laminating it so you can show one around for a unit that you use frequently. Unit award scheme
What units are available? www.aqa.org/uas Search under key words, curriculum areas and/or levels If you can’t find what you are looking for, you can amend an existing unit or write your own for free Point 1 – useful to point out that like any other search database if you just put one word you might get a lot of ‘hits’ and this can be a bit disheartening. Unit award scheme
Assessment – role of the Teacher You decide which unit(s) to use You prepare a Summary Sheet, itemising where required You teach the unit You complete the Summary Sheet with dates as outcomes are achieved and sign off You ensure evidence is correct and has been annotated/marked You give all the evidence, a copy of the unit and the Summary Sheet to me, the Co-ordinator Point 2 – it might be worth having a least one of the Summary Sheet & Teacher Checklist leaflets available for information. UNIT AWARD SCHEME
Assessment – role of the Co-ordinator I check all the evidence you present is correct and has been annotated/marked I check the Summary Sheets you have completed and counter-sign I complete a UAS Claim Form to register learners and their completed units I liaise with the UAS regarding and assessment monitoring and to submit the Claim Forms via Gateway I receive and check UAS Certificates and arrange for their distribution I am your main point of contact for any issues relating to UAS UNIT AWARD SCHEME
Writing or amending units We can amend any unit we find on the UAS database which doesn’t quite meet our needs or we can write a new unit from scratch – free of charge We must follow the guidance set out in the ‘Guide to writing and submitting units’ booklet found on the UAS website Units can only be submitted by a co-ordinator via the UAS database, Gateway Units can take up to about 4 weeks to be validated at busy times CPD Together we learn more
Thank You Unit Award Scheme Contact AQA on 01423 534 235 unitawardscheme@aqa.org.uk Thank You Unit award scheme
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