SEMCOM COLLEGE LIBRARY INFORMATION SYSTEM Group Members Haseena Pakawala Sandeep Manchala Cody Love
Business Requirements Librarian should be able to access faculty , students and staff information like name, home address , college Email ID and cell phone number. Each member should be able to use their regular college ID & password for viewing, searching and request books online. Users must able to search a book by entering author, title, publisher or keyword. The Librarian should be able to have access to overdue lists ,fines and by using this information he should be able to make report. The Librarian should be able to access list of books that are requested by members. The Librarian should be able to access list of books that are damaged and make a report. The system must be able to remind members who have books who’s due date is coming up by sending automatic emails to those members. It should be easy to create weekly and monthly inventory reports. The most popular books by title or author must be easier to find.
UML Diagram Actor
Context Level Diagram
Level 0 DFD Data Stores : 1. Book : 2. User : 3. CheckOut: 4. Invoice : Processes: 1. Update Info Processing 2. Login Processing 3. Search Processing 4. Check out Processing 5. Check-In Processing 6. Report Generation Processing
Level 0 DFD
Search Processing Level 1 Processes: Book Inquiry Hold-Request Data stores: Book
Search Processing Level 1
Check-Out Processing Level 1 Processes: Hold Book Issue Check Out Data store: Book CheckOut
Check-Out Processing Level 1
Check-in Processing Level 1 Processes: Check-in Book return Invoice calculations Tables: Book Invoice
Check-in Processing Level 1
Report Generate Processing Level 1 Processes: Generate User Reports Generate Book Reports Tables: Invoice Book
Report Generate Processing Level 1