Florafree is a dedicated range of products for the Food Industry NEW STEP 3: CONDITION Florafree Skin Conditioning Cream ® Skin conditioning cream to help keep skin moist and supple and in good condition FACT: Poor skin condition reduces compliance and increases the risk of cross-contamination Features: Protects – Helps to prevent sore and chapped skin often associated with cold, wet and warm working environments, plus frequent hand washing, as regularly encountered in the food industry Refined Lanolin Derivative – Acts to replace lost moisture and help keep the skin supple Neutral pH – Generally acceptable to all skin types Quality – A blend of top quality cosmetic material including fatty alcohols, waxes and white oils, impart a desirable soft feel to the skin Encourages Compliance – By helping to keep the skin in good condition, encourages frequent hand washing and sanitising Helps Reduce Potential Contamination – Poor skin condition increases the level of bacteria present on the skin; regular use helps keep the skin in good condition Economical – Only a small amount is required to provide effective skin conditioning Non-Greasy – Ointment based cream is easily and quickly absorbed into the skin leaving a non-greasy after-feel Hygienic – Sealed cartridges prevent product contamination Usage: Use at the end of work periods to help prevent skin dryness often associated with frequent hand washing and sanitising. ® Pack Sizes: Stock Code Size Case Qty 3102 1 litre 1000 cartridge 6 For further information contact Deb Technical Services: 01773 880367. Deb is an ISO9000 and ISO14001 registered company. Deb and Florafree are registered trademarks of Deb Ltd. Deb Limited, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 1JX. Tel: 01773 596700. Fax: 01773 822548 Email: enquiry@deb.co.uk Web: www.deb.co.uk