Student Activities or Assignments UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE DATE CHEMISTRY 20 2 LAST UNIT /Experience 1 CURRENT UNIT CURRENT UNIT 3 NEXT UNIT /Experience Science 10 Introduction to Chemistry Atoms and Elements 8 Student Activities or Assignments 5 UNIT MAP is about... Lab skills, safety, instruments, calculations Notes/lecture re chemistry Concept mapping activity Accidental inventions/ chemical products WHMIS handout/info + 2 articles w/ qstns Lab intro Lab Calculations Quiz then lab What is chemistry? Calculations WHMIS, lab safety, lab skills, lab instruments What is chemistry, types of chemistry, basic chemistry terms and careers that involve chemistry? What is the science behind some common chemical products? What do all the WHMIS symbols mean and what are some examples? Identify basic lab safety, instruments, and techniques. How do you perform density and percent error calculations? What is the difference between accuracy and precision? What is the difference between observation and inference? UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS 7
The Unit Organizer Type your unit title here NAME DATE The Unit Organizer SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT Expanded Unit Map is about... 9 10 Type your unit title here Click and type your unit paraphrase here Add your unit subjects here. Highlight and choose copy from the edit menu to make more boxes like this. Add your unit subjects here. Highlight and choose copy from the edit menu to make more boxes like this. Add your unit subjects here. Highlight and choose copy from the edit menu to make more boxes like this. Type a unit question here…...
Student Activities and Assignments UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE DATE 2 LAST UNIT /Experience CURRENT UNIT CURRENT UNIT 3 NEXT UNIT /Experience 1 8 Student Activities and Assignments 5 UNIT MAP is about... 6 UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS RELATIONSHIPS UNIT 7
The Unit Organizer Expanded Unit Map NAME DATE 9 is about... 10 SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT Expanded Unit Map is about... 9 10