Movie Genres
Action Movie Include stunts, chases, fights, battles, and escapes. Usually have big budgets.
Science Fiction (Sci Fi) Can include aliens, distant planets, future technology, and improbably settings.
Drama Show people in real life situations and how those situations can change those people.
Adventure Exciting stories that can occur in many different places.
Comedy They make you laugh.
Crime and Gangster These movies show the lives a criminals and other people who live outside the law.
Epic/Historical Can be based on a real or imaginary event.
Horror Made to scare and frighten the person who is watching.
Musicals/Dance Movies that put lots of effort into singing and or dancing routines as part of the story.
War Show the horror, hardship, and heartbreak that war brings to all those involved.
Western A genre from the USA. It shows the old days of America before the west was settled. Often include cowboys and indians.
What is your favorite movie genre? A) I like horror movies. B) Why? A) Because I enjoy being scared.
What’s your favorite movie genre? I like comedy. Why? A) Because I like to laugh.
What’s your favorite movie genre? I like action. Why? A) I like to see fights and chases.