Athabasca University School of Computing and Information Science Effects of Individual Differences and Visual Information Seeking on Learning Strategies in Essay Writing Nathan Laan Athabasca University School of Computing and Information Science
MSc in Computing and Information Science Thesis Mini Proposal Detailed Proposal and Literature Review Thesis Proposal Defense Experimental Protocol Experimental Tools Development Research Ethics Application and Approval Experiment Analysis (In progress) COMP676 COMP677 COMP678 COMP679 COMP680
Supervisory Committee Dr. Dunwei Wen Associate Professor, School of Computing & Information Systems, Athabasca University Dr. Dragan Gašević Professor, Schools of Education and Informatics, University of Edinburgh Dr. Phil Winne Associate Dean, Graduate Studies in Education, Simon Fraser University Professor, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University
Effects of Individual Differences and Visual Information Seeking Exploring Individual Differences: Achievement Goal Orientation Need for Cognition Prior Knowledge Visual Information Term-net (Concept Map) Investigate how users explore topics Explore how users construct search queries
Experiment Overview Informed consent. Provision of anonymous login account for the participant. Structured tutorial. Pre-experiment Achievement Goal Orientation questionnaire. Pre-experiment Need for Cognition questionnaire. Pre-experiment Knowledge Assessment questionnaire. Participants provided with topic ("security technology“). Graph-based Term-net and Search tool. Participants use tools to research topic and write 200-300 word essay. Post-experiment Search Tool Evaluation Perceived Usefulness questionnaire. Post-experiment Term-net Perceived Usefulness questionnaire.
Research Ethics Approval The Chicken and the Egg! Research conducted at Kings University and NAIT in Edmonton. Athabasca required Research Ethics Approval from NAIT and Kings.
Data, Data, and more Data 78 Variables per Participant Pre-Test Achievement Goal Orientation: AGO01, … , AGO18, AGOG1, AGOG2, AGOG3, TotalAGO Pre-Test Knowledge Assessment: KA01, … , KA06, TotalKA Pre-Test Need for Cognition: NFC01, … , NFC18, TotalNFC Post-Test Perceived Usefulness Search Tool: PUST01, … , PUST06, TotalPUST Post-Test Perceived Usefulness Term-Net: PUTN01, … , PUTN06, TotalPUTN TotalTerms, TotalTermLinks, AverageTermLinksPerTerm TotalSearches, TotalSearchLinks, AverageSearchLinksPerSearch TotalPages (TotalViews) MinPageViewTime, MaxPageViewTime, AveragePageViewTime Elapsed Time Exploring
Essay Scores
Achievement Goal Orientation Scores
Prior Knowledge Scores
Correlation Analysis (y = Essay Score) Dependent (x) Spearman’s Correlation AGO 1 0.7176 AGO 2 0.7083 AGO 3 0.6705 AGO Total 0.6911 Prior Knowledge 0.1626 Need for Cognition 0.0733 Number of Terms 0.5749 Number of Searches 0.3203 Total Elapsed Time 0.7396 Number Searches < 66 0.6018 Elapsed Time < 1500 0.8740
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Dependent (x) R Squared AGO1 AGO2 AGO3 0.7152 Prior Knowledge 0.8507 Total Elapsed Time Elapsed Time < 1500 0.9275
Next Steps Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Beta and Statistical Significance Values Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) Iterative method to select the model with the best predictor. Measures quality of statistical models. Hypothesis – Essay Score Predicted by: AGO Prior Knowledge Total Elapsed Time Elapsed Time < 1500