Loads CIV 111 - THEORY OF STRUCTURES (1) - A Giza Higher Institute for Eng. & Tech. - Dr. M Abdel-Kader Loads In general, there are many types of loading in civil engineering, for example; Dead and live loads Density (ton/m3) wood 0.5-1.3 الخشب water 1 الماء concrete 2.2-2.4 الخرسانة glass 2.5 الزجاج aluminum 2.7 الالمنيوم iron 7.85 الحديد copper 8.93 النحاس silver 10.5 الفضة lead 11.3 الرصاص mercury 13.6 الزئبق uranium 18.9 اليورانيوم gold 19.3 الذهب platinum 21.4 البلاتين - Dead Loads (permanent loads): consist mainly of the own weight of the structure. - Live Loads: vary in position such as the weight of people, furniture, equipments.
Loads CIV 111 - THEORY OF STRUCTURES (1) - A Giza Higher Institute for Eng. & Tech. - Dr. M Abdel-Kader Loads Static and dynamic loads External and internal loads
Loads CIV 111 - THEORY OF STRUCTURES (1) - A Giza Higher Institute for Eng. & Tech. - Dr. M Abdel-Kader Loads Wind loads and earthquake loads Residual and thermal stresses Other loads Factor of Safety All codes for concrete and steel structures use a factor of safety to calculate design loads from the above loads.
Loads Force CIV 111 - THEORY OF STRUCTURES (1) - A Giza Higher Institute for Eng. & Tech. - Dr. M Abdel-Kader Loads Force It is a vector quantity (indicates magnitude and direction). Force is completely defined by the following: Magnitude 1 kN = 1000 N ≈ 100 kg force = 0.1 ton force Line of action Point of application Sense
Loads Point load (Concentrated load) CIV 111 - THEORY OF STRUCTURES (1) - A Giza Higher Institute for Eng. & Tech. - Dr. M Abdel-Kader Loads Point load (Concentrated load) It is a force that acts at a single point on a structure. In reality this point load may be distributed on a short distance. Distributed load on a short distance replaced with concentrated load Resolution of inclined load to two components
Loads Uniform load (Uniformly distributed load) CIV 111 - THEORY OF STRUCTURES (1) - A Giza Higher Institute for Eng. & Tech. - Dr. M Abdel-Kader Loads Uniform load (Uniformly distributed load) It is regularly distributed along a length such as the weight of the beam or a wall built on top of a beam. It is represented by a series of arrows. It is replaced with an equivalent point load.
Loads Non-uniformly distributed load CIV 111 - THEORY OF STRUCTURES (1) - A Giza Higher Institute for Eng. & Tech. - Dr. M Abdel-Kader Loads Non-uniformly distributed load It may gradually increase or decrease such as triangle or trapezoid load
Loads Non-uniformly distributed load CIV 111 - THEORY OF STRUCTURES (1) - A Giza Higher Institute for Eng. & Tech. - Dr. M Abdel-Kader Loads Non-uniformly distributed load
Loads Moments CIV 111 - THEORY OF STRUCTURES (1) - A Giza Higher Institute for Eng. & Tech. - Dr. M Abdel-Kader Loads Moments Moment of a force is a measure of its tendency to cause a body to rotate about a specific point or axis. This is different from the tendency for a body to move or translate in the direction of the force. Moment = Force × Moment arm M = F × d Moment is expressed in units of Newton.Meter (N.m), or kiloNewton.Meter (kN.m). Moment also has a sense
Loads Moments CIV 111 - THEORY OF STRUCTURES (1) - A Giza Higher Institute for Eng. & Tech. - Dr. M Abdel-Kader Loads Moments MA = F d =(10 cos 30)x(3) = 30 cos 30 = 25.98 kN.m MA = F d =(10)x(3cos 30) = 30 cos 30 = 25.98 kN.m Moments cause rotation only, without any translation. Moment can be converted to a couple and vice versa.
Thank You CIV 111 - THEORY OF STRUCTURES (1) - A Giza Higher Institute for Eng. & Tech. - Dr. M Abdel-Kader Thank You Very Welcome for Questions and Feedback cadkad.com kadermoh@hotmail.com 01001212803 Facebook: Mohamed Abdel-Kader