3.5 Persuasive Essay
To persuade… To convince someone to agree with you; to cause to believe; using reasons to change someone’s mind
How to pick a topic? “Pick a subject that means something to you, emotionally as well as intellectually…you’re most effective when your heart is in it” -John Trimble Writing with Style If you don’t care about your topic, why should your reader? How are they going to be convinced if you aren’t?
Topics… Class change time Snakes as pets Later school day start time Professional athletes make too much money Better funding for sports Cell phones/MP3’s as learning tools Anonymous online social networks Movie tickets too costly Gay marriage Gun control Homeschooling TV ratings system Raising the dropout age to 18 Cosmetic testing on animals Presidential race Bullying prevention Raise minimum wage Video Game systems Racism through language use More school spirit Is it okay for athletes to kneel during the National Anthem? Easy ways to go green