Last Week’s Notebook Check: Four journal entries Greek/Latin Root Words Lesson 2 “Civil Disobedience” summary activity parts 1 and 2 “Women in the !9th Century” Vocabulary activity/summary questions
Important Info: Common Assessments: Feb 8-11 Library days: Feb 12 and 19 for A Day and Feb 16 and 18 for B Day
2-4-16 Objectives: To examine and analyze two research papers To define plagiarism To point out the correct way to write a parenthetical citation
Essential Question: In reading both research papers, which is the better one? Explain why.
Research paper activity Today’s Agenda: Journal Research paper activity
2-4-16 Journal: Divide your paper in half and discuss the pros and cons of homeschooling
Research Papers: Read both papers Look at Paper Organization and Citing Sources handouts Highlight thesis statement and all parenthetical citations in both papers Complete Parenthetical citation Practice/Plagiarism Quiz