Effective Rapid Response in ETA Region 6 Presented By: U.S. DOL Employment and Training Administration Region 6 San Francisco Regional Office December 12, 2012, 1:00 p.m. Pacific/4:00 p.m. Eastern
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Rapid Response Coordinator Moderator Ingrid Nyberg Rapid Response Coordinator ETA Region 6, San Francisco
Featured Speakers Jeff Ryan, Transition Management Specialist Office of National Response, US DOL ETA Linda Mims, Rapid Response Manager City of Los Angeles Shawna Harper, Rapid Response Coordinator Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development YOU!!!!
Agenda/Objectives Rapid Response and Layoff Aversion Mindset, Policies and Practices The Rapid Response Self-Assessment Tool Rapid Response as Business Engagement Strategy Tracking and Reporting Rapid Response Efforts How do you show your added value? What’s Important to You!? Next Steps
What's Important to You?!?! Using the Chat feature, please share 1-3 issues/questions/topics that are important to your Rapid Response efforts now!
Rapid Response Framework Phase 1: Research and Discovery Phase 2: Activation Phase 3: Employer Contact and/or Layoff Announcement Phase 4: Meet with Company/Employer Phase 5: Determine Intervention Required Phase 6: Tailor Plan and Carry It Out Phase 7: Determine and Facilitate Additional Services Across all Phases: Tracking and Evaluation Follow-Through and Follow-Up
Lessons Learned from Applying the RR Self-Assessment Tool TEN 32-11: http://wdr.doleta.gov/directives/corr_doc.cfm?docn=4784
Rapid Response and Business Engagement A State and A Local Perspective on: Rapid Response and Layoff Aversion as part of a Business Engagement Strategy Tracking and Reporting Rapid Response Efforts Illustrating Return on Investment (ROI) How it all comes together-a current example
Question and Answer Period Please enter your questions into the Chat Room OR Raise your hand and we’ll call on you!
Your Feedback Please: How Shall We Proceed? Would you like to participate in a regular convening of your ETA Region 6 RR peers? How often would you like to convene? How do you prefer to connect? Frequency (pick one!): Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annually Annually On an ad hoc basis I’d really rather not meet...ever. Method (select as many as you like!): Teleconference call WebEx meeting Webinar In person meeting Other - Please describe using the Chat feature Yes! No! It Depends -Use the Chat feature to share dependencies
Resources TEN 9-12: Layoff Aversion in Rapid Response Systems http://wdr.doleta.gov/directives/corr_doc.cfm?DOCN=3894 TEN 31-11: The Rapid Response Framework http://wdr.doleta.gov/directives/corr_doc.cfm?DOCN=7425 TEN 32-11: The Rapid Response Self-Assessment Tool http://wdr.doleta.gov/directives/corr_doc.cfm?DOCN=4784 AK Department of Labor and Workforce Development http://jobs.alaska.gov/RR City of Los Angeles, CA http://www.wiblacity.org/services
Speakers’ Contact Information Jeff Ryan, Transition Management Specialist US DOL ETA, Washington, DC ryan.jeff@dol.gov Linda Mims, Rapid Response Manager City of Los Angeles linda.mims@lacity.org Shawna Harper, Rapid Response Coordinator Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development shawna.harper@alaska.gov Ingrid Nyberg, Region 6 Rapid Response Coordinator US DOL ETA, San Francisco, CA nyberg.ingrid@dol.gov
Now that you've had some time to listen and reflect... Please share any topic areas or questions you’d like to see covered in future discussions. Feel free to also identify any SMEs you’d like to invite to future gatherings!
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Access to Webinar Resources Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event.
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