Welcome to Year 2 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Year 2 1

A little bit about us… 2

Daily Routines / Timetables PE – Gym – Tuesday, Dance - Monday Games -Thursday Good work assembly Wednesday 3

Daily Routines -Homework Spelling – Send home weekly tested on a Monday New spelling programme –the focus in on applying the spelling rules. Reading –Monday and Thursday 2 reading books from the reading scheme 1 reader each fortnight will be comprehension based Expectation to read for 10 minutes daily. Please encourage your child to fill in their own reading record – parent to sign Maths Key skills, number bonds and times tables are vital Projects – choice of 1 per half term Daily Routines -Homework 4

Daily Routines -Homework 5

Daily Routines -Homework Mathematics, Know number bonds, X2, X5, X10 times tables and related division facts. Tell the time to 5 minute intervals Use money Weigh objects – cooking Problem solving Mathletics and other websites 6

Daily Routines -Homework Projects Linked to current theme or new theme. Children to choose 1 each half term. 7

What your child needs to have in school Book bag Water bottle Snack Watch - analogue PE kit – indoor and outdoor Hair tied up, no earrings Everything named please. 8

Curriculum ITAF and whole curriculum 9

Curriculum 10

Whole curriculum PSHE Geography History Design Technology Art Computing Music PE RE Spanish

Use the language of maths! = Equals The same as balance

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Children and young people with SEN all have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children and young people of the same age. SEND can be in the areas of: Communication and Interaction Cognition and Learning Social, Emotional and Mental Health Sensory and/or Physical Around one in five children has SEN at some point during their school years. Some children have SEN right through their time in school.

What to do if you think your child may have SEND? Don’t worry! There is a lot we can all do to make sure they are happy and learn well at school. Speak to your child’s class teacher. They will make a note of your concerns and make sure they are passed on. Arrange an appointment to speak to the school SENCO (Mrs Humphries). You know your child best. Your opinions are invaluable in helping us to find the right support for him or her.

What will we do if we think your child may have SEND? We will talk with you about why we think your child may benefit from SEN Support. We may carry out additional assessments to help us personalise his/her learning. A shared plan will be put in place, with targets and strategies to help them (ITLP). You will be asked for your input into this. They may be offered time in one of our intervention groups. These are usually led by teaching assistants. TAs are trained and experienced in leading the interventions we offer. We may ask for additional input from external experts. You will always be asked for your permission before this happens.

You can find out more about the school’s approach to SEND from: The school’s website http://www.highlane.stockport.sch.uk Stockport’s Local Offer Website – a ‘one stop shop’ for all things SEND. https://stockport.fsd.org.uk Or search ‘Stockport SEND’

Curriculum Marking Pink Green Purple 17

Assessment On going assessment New tests with a focus on reading, writing, spelling, punctuation, grammar, maths and science. Test period is in May Teacher Assessment form judgements Moderation

Home/School Partnership Notify of any changes Make an appointment Help reinforce rules – dinner time, work ethic Parent Helpers in School One off school trips PTFA events 19

Independence and Responsibility Children responsible for their own belongings checking book bags, getting out homework, jumpers etc. Birthday invitations and sweets 20

Thank you for listening