How to Write a Narrative Essay


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Presentation transcript:

How to Write a Narrative Essay Unit One

Narrative Writing Narrative writing conveys experience, either real or imaginary, and uses time to provide structure. It can be used to inform, instruct, persuade, or entertain. Whenever writers tell a story, they are using narrative writing. Most types of narrative writing share elements such as characters, setting, a sequence of events, and often, theme.

Nonfiction Narrative A nonfiction narrative is a true-to-life story, a tale that occurred in real life, rather than in an author’s imagination. A nonfiction narrative describes real experiences or events along with reflections on those experiences.

Elements of a Nonfiction Narrative A clearly described situation or problem A well-structured, logical sequence of events Details that show time and place Effective story elements such as dialogue, description, and reflection A reflective conclusion Your thoughts, feelings, or views about the significance of events Correct grammar

Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs Introduction Paragraph Conclusion Paragraph The introduction establish a clear context and point of view. Might include a hook as the first sentence. Thesis should be your last sentence. The conclusion follows from and reflects on the events and experiences in the narrative and provides insightful reflection on the experience related in the narrative. Sometimes calls for action Sometimes answers the “So What?”

Looking at examples… “Music for my Mother” is an example of a nonfiction narrative. Turn to page R18 (to R23) in your books. We are going to read 4 examples of narrative essays ranging from a low score to a high score. We are going to discuss as a class what makes each of these essays strong and/or weak. Please refer back to these examples for guidance anytime you are required to write a narrative piece of your own.

Unit 1 (Whole Group) Performance Task Complete the performance task on pg. 52. In order to complete this essay, complete the prewriting tasks on pg. 53, the drafting task on pg. 54, read over the Language Development notes on pg. 55 and DO NOT forget to revise your own work before you have others revise it. Guidelines for your own revision are on pg. 56.