Using LinguaFolio in online classroom Katya Decker NCVPS
Introduction to Students eLinguaFolio explain what it is and why to use it. Online video introduction for learners: l/
Use LinguaFolio to teach students how to learn. How do I learn activity completed by students. Online discussion: What did you learn about your language learning habits? Where are you doing good? What do you need to to work on?
Use help - Conversation coaches help students fill out LinguaFolio. Present LF as activity that helps them lean not stand alone assignment. Divide LF in small chunks and incorporate it at the end of each Module (every three weeks)
Provide meaningful LF-like activities that help students realized “they can...” - Voice recordings Voice Boards.
Example of Voice Board
Examples of student work Voki recordings Animoto PowerPoint with audio Virtual Classroom archive
Examples of Students’ Projects - Voki
Conversation Sessions - virtual classroom archive
Keep communication open. I am available to answer questions on IM, Wimba classroom, texting, phone Use students’ questions to identify areas that are difficult to understand -Examples of posts to LF, show your own LF.