Marketing & Promotion The Whys and Hows
Why do we want to promote e-Learning KY OPD? What it can do for our own learning communities What it can do for our colleagues Sharing ideas within the specific context of KY traditions, content, expectations, standards Attract and harness the abundance of experience and talent right here in KY Facilitate improvements beyond our own learning communities by sharing across the state Great deal $$$$$ (Investing several grand to invite experts from the field into your building, anyone?) ????
Who is our market audience? Colleagues and friends Department, other schools, other counties School-based decision makers PD committee, principal, SBDM District-based decision makers PD coordinator, superintendent Who are our participants? Participants by the numbers handout
Kentucky Demographics of e-learning Registration Fall 2006 – Spring 2007 – Summer 2007 #1. Fall 2006: Number of Sessions: 31 Registrations: 582 Enrollments: 381 (65%) Certificates: 247 (64.8) #2. Spring 2007: Number of Sessions: 31 Registrations: 617 Enrollments: 575 (93%) Certificates: 403 (70%) #3. Summer 2007: Number of Sessions: 25 Registrations: 543 Enrollments: 436 (80%) Certificates: 324 (59.6%)
KY Participants by Gender, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Language (06-07) # % Gender Male 151 12 Female 1105 87 Age Range Under 25 142 11 26-35 397 31 36-45 355 28 46-55 282 22 Over 55 83 7 Race/Ethnicity White 1180 93 Black/African American 39 3 Other 46 4 Latino/Hispanic 18 1 Language English 1246 98 Other 18 1
# % Work Title Administrator 99 8 High School Teacher 255 20 Middle School Teacher 243 19 Elementary Teacher 365 29 Pre-K Teacher 278 22 Certification Yes 1153 91 No 109 9 Primary Teaching Area Generalist 347 27 Areas of improvement? ELA 149 12 (KSTA..) Math 117 9 Science 88 7 Social Studies 68 5 Foreign language 19 2 Special education 207 16 ELL 29 2 Resource Personnel 140 11 Previous Experience with OPD Yes 729 58 No 534 42
KY Participants by Teaching experience, Highest level of education, and Previous experience with OPD # % Overall Teaching Experience More than 5 years 752 59 Time availability? Less than 5 years 482 38 Teaching Experience in Current District More than 5 years 548 43 Less than 5 years 692 55 Highest Level of Education Associates 11 1 Bachelors 387 31 CAGS 126 10 Masters 522 41 Not working on Rank II Ph.D./Ed.D. 8 1 Other 208 16 Students Receiving Free/Reduced Lunch 0 – 25% 148 12 26 – 50% 337 27 51 – 75% 396 31 76 – 100% 347 27
We’re getting the job done!
So how do we do it? Make presentations to your department PD committee SBDM Administration How do we reach non-participatory counties? Hand out brochures to supplement e-mails from Bob ????
What do we emphasize? End-product KY expertise and connections Participants walk away with a customized product for their classroom and students KY expertise and connections Facilitated and designed with unique KY content, course structure, pedagogy in mind Get to know how other teachers across the state do what you do Flexibility & Interactivity Social hour in your pajamas! ????
Kentucky Learning Depot
How would a brochure look that engages teachers and encourages dialogue? Local school/district contact person Quotes from participants List of most popular workshops ????