There’s a T-Rex in Town Literacy: MFL: Science: Music: Numeracy:


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Presentation transcript:

There’s a T-Rex in Town Literacy: MFL: Science: Music: Numeracy: The children will focus on the story ‘There’s a T.REX in town’. They will focus on basic sentence skills, They will also explore giving explanations about T-Rex related facts. There’s a T-Rex in Town MFL: The children will learn basic French with a trained MFL teacher. Science: The children will identify & name different Dinosaurs. They will also identify & group the dino’s depending on whether they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. Music: The children will use the Charanga Musical School Scheme to focus on using their voices to sing & chant. Numeracy: The children will follow the Yr 1 Singapore Math’s program of study, with emphasis on numbers to 0-10. Design Technology: The children will explore & use mechanisms (levers & sliders) to help design & create their own dino inspired moving pictures. Geography: The children will use globes, maps & atlases while identifying natural and human made features. They will also continue to observe the changing weather patterns during this half term. We will make measured recordings of rainfall and temperature. Computing: The children will follow the Year 1 Rising Stars scheme & will learn to create simple digital greeting cards linked with RE topic. RE: The children will focus on a Hindu Religious festival of Diwali. History: The children will learn about the new Runcorn Bridge & look at how the old bridge impacted life in their own locality. PE: The children will yet again be working with a trained sports coach from Premier Sports.