Subject What We’re Learning Mrs. Schimke’s Class Newsletter October 2-6 Subject What We’re Learning Reading We will spend our 2nd week with our story Destiny’s Gift. Our story skills will be: understanding characters, story message, and antonyms. Our summative assessment will be Wednesday. Language Arts We will begin Unit 2 – Nouns. This week we will review what nouns are and then learn the difference between common/proper nouns. Math We will finish Chapter 2 – Represent and Interpret Data. This week we will problem solve using graphs and learn about line plots. We will review the chapter on Wednesday and take our Summative on Thursday. Science & Social Studies Social Studies – we will learn about Christopher Columbus this week. Teacher Notes Remember to initial the student planner each night so that I know you’ve seen the nightly homework. All test, quiz, and assignment dates are subject to change. Library will now be on Fridays. Dates to Remember October 3 – Picture Retakes October 6 – Half Day October 9 – No School Remember to turn in the September Reading Calendar on Monday. Spelling Words lay 8. tea Review Words: real 9. treat 15. paint trail 10. afraid 16. please sweet 11. leave today 12. bait Challenge Words: dream 13. screen 17. yesterday seem 14. speed 18. explain Test Date: Oct. 6th