NATURAL SCIENCE SEMINAR FRIDAY, FEB. 10th SCIE 147 4:00-5:00PM Dr. Meaghan Wetherell Assoc. Director of Research, CWU Dept. of Institutional Effectiveness Lecturer, CWU Dept. of Geological Sciences Fossils are any sign of ancient life (bones, tracks, burrows, feces, etc.) and while an animal’s behavior might not become a fossil, evidence of that behavior can. Forensic science used today can help interpret how animals interacted 30 million years ago – in a sense, like CSI: Oligocene. This presentation will discuss how evidence of illness and injury can be used to piece together a picture of herd structure, lifespan, and defense mechanisms for a group of extinct mammals called oreodonts. NATURAL SCIENCE SEMINAR NATURAL SCIENCE SEMINARS ARE SPONSORED BY THE CWU DEPT. OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND THE COLLEGE OF THE SCIENCES.