Claim, Evidence, Reasoning
CLAIM Provide your own complete answer to the question Or State your position on a topic or issue
Evidence This is where you pull out evidence from the text, chapter, article, or story. Copy direct “quotes” from the text to support your CLAIM. Use words such as…According to the text….An example from the text is…The author states that …….
REASONING Use your own words to explain the evidence *Give reasons that support your evidence and show that your answer or position is correct
Example Question and Answer Many people believe that bottled water is causing problems in communities. Should communities ban bottled water? CLAIM- Communities shouldn’t ban bottled water. EVIDENCE- According to the article “ Around the world, 780 million people do not have access to safe water; if they drink tap water, they can get sick.” REASONING- Many areas around the world need bottled water to survive. If they don’t have bottled water, then they won’t have clean water to drink from or to use for taking baths. Therefore, communities should not ban bottled water.