Critical thinking Sec 201 Fatima Al –hawaj 200800390 Nestle pure life
Out line : Back ground . The advertisement Tactics Effectiveness Conclusion
It take 46 second . Product value : low priced . Targeting all: children and adult (women , men) . Product logo : Drink Better live Better .
They make our body like an extra They make our body like an extra .At the first the harmony is not consistent .When they drink the water the body harmony is consistent .
Nestlé Waters is the number one bottled water company in the world, with the number one brand (Nestlé Pure Life) and utilises only 0.0009% of the world's fresh water resources. Nestlé is the world's leading nutrition, health and wellness company.
My opinion en the advertisement its good .And The music and the colors attract the person .
Conclusion : Nestlé Waters is the numbr one bottled water company in the world. The Nestle water make our body like extra .
Think you