Energy Dependence of the Isotopic Composition in Nuclear Fragmentation S. Yennello, D. Shetty, M. Veselsky, E. Martin, A. Keksis, G. Souliotis and D. Rowland Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute
Single component liquid Two component liquid Single component liquid Two component liquid Free n/p ratio t/3He ratio N/Zfragments Possible signatures:
124Sn 124Sn Veselsky, Phys. Rev. C 62, 064613 (2000).
Veselsky, Phys. Rev. C 62, 064613 (2000).
28Si + 112,124Sn Veselsky,Phys Lett B 497,1(2001) E*=2.5-3.5
Ratio of isotopic yields 58Ni, 58Fe + 58Ni, 58Fe 30 Mev/nuc
Scaling factor
Relative free neutron and proton densities
Scaling factor at 30,40,47 MeV/nuc
neutron and proton densities at 30,40,47 MeV/nuc
Energy dependence of the scaling parameter a 58Fe + 58Fe / 58Ni + 58Ni 30 MeV 40 MeV 47 MeV a 0.372 0.269 0.23 b -0.395 -0.372 -0.32 Tsang PRC64, 054615 (2002) .
Botvina Isoscaling R21 = C exp(a’A + b’(N-Z) a ’ = D(mn + mp)/2T b ’ = D(mn - mp)/2T 28Si + 112,124Sn 30 MeV/nuc 50 MeV/nuc b’ = 0.237±0.038 b’ = 0.186±0.017
Botvina Isoscaling R21 = C exp(a’A + b’(N-Z) 28Si + 112,124Sn ; 50 MeV/nuc E* (MeV) b’ 3 0.31 4 0.20 5 0.19 6 0.18 7 0.17
Summary The enhancement in free neutrons of neutron-rich systems is greater at lower energies. Isoscaling in 58Ni, 58Fe + 58Ni, 58Fe 3H/3He in 28Si + 112Sn, 124Sn Isoscaling in 28Si + 112Sn, 124Sn
Theory Bao An Li PRL 2000 Baran Nucl Phys 1999 Chomaz PLB 47, 221 (1999)
Theoretical comparisons are in progress. Summary The enhancement in free neutrons of neutron-rich systems is greater at lower energies. Isoscaling in 58Ni, 58Fe + 58Ni, 58Fe 3H/3He in 28Si + 112Sn, 124Sn Isoscaling in 28Si + 112Sn, 124Sn Theoretical comparisons are in progress. This work was supported in part by the Department of Energy and the Robert A Welch Foundation