IMPORTANT All STUDENT LOCKERS All lockers should now be cleared out and keys handed back to Student Reception. The lockers will be checked on Wednesday 21st and any items left in the lockers and unclaimed will be disposed of on 29th June. New locker forms can be collected from Student Reception.
Fundraising ‘Dress Down’ Friday 23 June 2017 Students who wish to participate in the Fundraising ‘Dress Down’ Friday 23 June are asked to pay £1 to come to school casually dressed. Students who do not wish to participate should come to school wearing school uniform. Monies collected will be split – Two thirds donated to charity whilst the remaining one third will go to the School Fund. This is a normal Learning and Teaching day, please remember to bring your school bag and all equipment eg PE kit.
Lost Property There are various items of lost property at Student Reception. These will be retained for 1 further week before being recycled. Please call at Reception if you have lost anything to check if we have it.
SENIOR STUDENTS A reminder to Senior Students for the rest of this session when you have Study periods. These periods of study should be undertaken in the Atrium NOT on the 2nd floor. In the new session this will change when we have allocated staff and areas for these classes.
STUDENT NOTICE Due to vandalism in the open plan computer rooms yesterday students will not be allowed to use rooms 129, 130 and 230 at break-times or lunchtimes until the end of this session. This is not acceptable and any students damaging school property will be disciplined in line with the school discipline code. DREAM RESPECT
THE ROYAL HIGHLAND SHOW TRIP All those Attending: THE ROYAL HIGHLAND SHOW TRIP THURSDAY 22nd JUNE There is an important meeting at breaktime in Room 202 today all students going on this trip MUST attend.
PROSPECTIVE UNIVERSITY CANDIDATES Higher Education Information Day Wednesday 21 June Heriot Watt University is hosting a Higher Education Information Day for students hoping to go to university next year (2018). Prospective applicants will attend various workshops including choosing and applying / writing a personal statement and student life. Students who have attended this in the past have really enjoyed it and got a lot out of it. As a school we shall be running two buses. Participants will leave at 09.30 and return at 15.00. Cost is £6. Please see Mrs Begbie, with your money, to book a place. First come, first served.
Career Ready Please could the following students attend a short meeting in room 127 at morning break on Tuesday. Ryan Connor Shaun Masterton Jack Cameron Emma Affleck Skye Baigan Hannah Murdoch Ryan Osborne Daniel Sutherland Cameron Merron Joshua Moffat Conor Duncan Mya Kidd Lewis Curry Finlay Duffy Kylie Mabon Daniel Burton Irona Combe Nicole Heaney Jack Nelson Bradley Sullivan Rachael Higginson
You’re welcome to bring your lunch New S3 Students Information meeting about the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Programme beginning after the summer Monday 26th June 1.15pm room 105 You’re welcome to bring your lunch
Wednesday + Thursday 21st+22nd June 2017 at 7.00 pm Tickets £5/£3 Lasswade High School Presents Wednesday + Thursday 21st+22nd June 2017 at 7.00 pm Tickets £5/£3
LASSWADE FAIRTRADE GROUP Congratulations!!! Lasswade High School is now a fairactive school! Well done to the Lasswade Fairtrade group for winning the second award! Look out for more Fairtrade events!
Ipad Returns Can all students who currently have a school Ipad, please return them to your Maths teacher ASAP. Please remove any mail accounts or personal data you have on them.
Well done to the BBC L.A.B Team for their work in the BBC Green Screen Workshop.... Watch this space for the final results!!
Job Vacancy Information Are you looking for a part time or full time job? Skills Development Scotland has a local website, which is updated daily, with information on job vacancies.
BBQ and Awards Thursday 22nd June S1-u18’s Lasswade RFC 6.30-8pm Lasswade Rugby Awards Evening BBQ and Awards Thursday 22nd June S1-u18’s Lasswade RFC 6.30-8pm All welcome