Happy Friday! Pick up the handout from the front of the room. Read through “Apartheid in Practice” then answer the following questions: Based on American values, what practices do you find particularly upsetting? How do conditions compare to the treatment of blacks in the United States?
Apartheid Today’s LEQ: What challenges did Africans face after gaining independence?
History of South Africa Former colony of the Dutch, later the British Long history of discriminatory policy towards people of color Used to be central location in slave trade Slave trade outlawed by British gov’t in 1807; freed slaves still largely subjugated to white population Received independence in 1910; Afrikaner government took control Laws implemented that formally segregated the white population from the black population Education, landownership, good jobs solely for Afrikaners.
Overview of apartheid Policy of apartheid implemented in 1948 “Apartness” Population into four groups: White, Black, Colored, and Asian Apartheid segregated whites from nonwhites Laws especially harsh on black South Africans, for example: Required to carry ID books Couldn’t vote Restricted to low paying jobs Apartheid continued to be implemented until the 1990s!
Apartheid Timeline Activity Each group will receive a card detailing one segment of Apartheid history in South Africa. This is your Timeline Card. Discuss the information contained on your card then complete a pictorial representation of the events on poster paper. Include one visual representation for each bulleted note on your timeline card. In addition to the visual representations, write a short commentary detailing the importance of each historical event on your card Create a HOT question for your classmates to answer at the conclusion of your presentation. Your question shouldn’t be answered with one or two words. It should make your classmates really ponder. Each group will be asked to present their work to the class in sequential order; the end product will be a class timeline detailing the rise and fall of apartheid.
For Discussion… What trends or changes over time does this timeline suggest? How does the treatment of blacks in South Africa compare to the treatment of blacks in the United States?