Daisy Ferreira and Patrick Cullingham
Purpose of research Key facts- Daisy is an aspiring music artist who constantly preforms and does gigs to make herself known. She also records a lot with her boyfriend Mo who is signed up to a music label. She had loads of videos of her on YouTube singing and also singing at different concerts. Potential issues- Daisy yet is to be well know by a large fan base and she also is also not signed by a record label so people may see her as just someone who is just like everyone else. Potential areas of interest- where she wants to be in 10 years time and how she plans on getting there. How daisy plans on getting well known and building her fan base. Finding out what she is going to do to get herself well know and how it compares being in a relationship with someone who has more success music wise than her. Identify relevant matters in interviewees background- daisy has been singing since she was the age of 5 and has said that she doesn’t want to do anything else as a career because there’s nothing else that interests her. Daisy's father sings so she was brought up in a musical family but has said there has never been any competition she’s just the one who has been more driven towards music.
Preparatory research Both magazines are an example of what my magazine with daisy would look like. ‘Take a trip to heaven’ is in a similar style with a similar story where as the lady gaga interview has the same style but I chose to research her as she started from nothing and made her way up to be one of the most successful musicians in the world. Daisy has done charity work for example she has sang to children who are less fortunate than her as she wants to get well known but also make a difference. Many people love daisy and everyone says nice things about her. When she sang for children she has endless praise from all sorts of people and her friends are a massive support system for her. Daisy has been in the local news papers such as the Henley standard for doing successful gigs but daisy has also made flyers to let people know that she was playing. Everyone else is very supportive when coming down to her performances friends and family say they feel so proud when she is playing. Beth Kelly is one of daisy's friends and she says ‘ her performances wow the crowd! Know one can tell that her voice is so strong until she starts singing . Everyone is seriously amazed’ daisy's boyfriend Mo Evans who is also a musician has said ‘its so comforting having another musician by my side. Someone who I can look up to and support’ daisy has also helped to inspire children who wish to start out singing. Daisy has talked to the and given the right advice in order to succeed.
Methods of research • books • magazines • websites • discussion forums • television programmes • DVD commentaries • interviews with others • observation of events • other things interviewee involved in Daisy has read about people who have become famous from being musicians and now have their own book out telling there story. Daisy doesn’t count her self as well known or famous no matter how hard she tries but she said that if she ever got to be in that place one day then a book is go8ing to be the first thing she writes. She said ‘it would be a blessing given that opportunity. So why not share it with everyone else? Daisy does not have her own website but she uploads videos of her singing onto you tube- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU4Jp8E2fyk daisy hasn’t yet been on TV or done and DVD documentaries but she has done interviews with others and has been to events to gain tips for example she went to rihannas concert as she inspires to be her
Patrick Cullinghan Key facts - Patrick cullinghan is a rugby player who plays for Henley wasps. He plays in defence and he says he loves rugby its his passion. He takes it as a btec at the Henley college . Potential issues- Patrick wants to play professionally and wishes to do this by finishing college and getting scouted. Potential areas of interest- Patrick loves music and movies such as pirates of the Caribbean but he also dedicates his time to rugby and being noticed. Identify relevant matters in interviewees background – Patrick has to be on a strict diet. His family aren't sporty but his father saw his talent and pushed him to do it Patrick has done various work to help the community such as help schools with teaching rugby ext. Patricks has had lots of feedback from parents such as ‘he knows how to play well on the team and out of the team’ one of Patrick's friend Dylan said ‘I've never known such a dedicated player’ the Henley wasps have been in the local newspaper such a the Henley standard. Patrick reads a lot of books but hasn’t wrote one just yet;. He also is on the Henley college website where he can be recognised by other scouts. Patrick is also inspired by TV documentaries on rugby and goes to games to gain more tips and ideas. Patrick isn't involved in any more activities as he is focused so much on rugby.