2017 OTN-TOOLBOX Presented by Marta Mihoff and Alex Nunes Assisted by Brian Jones, Jon Pye, Lenore Bajona More informal. We are going to work today.
Start up Toolbox Open CMD window Navigate to the install folder (Desktop/OTN-toolbox) Execute command “vagrant up” This should remain visible. Maybe with a scribble poster.
URLS New R-Studio (user change to vagrant pw otn123) R notebooks http://localhost:18787/auth-sign-in New R notebooks http://localhost:18888/tree/r_notebooks Python notebooks http://localhost:18888/tree/py_notebooks This should remain visible. Maybe with a scribble poster.
Rstudio Changes Cosmetic only User changed to “vagrant”, password is the same “otn123” Removed the Virtual Machine GUI which none of you will notice File structure: programs are in folder “otn-toolbox” “data” folder accessible from inside “otn-toolbox” or on its own. While we are waiting for everyone to get there toolboxes started I’ll give you a brief overview of what is changed and new
File Structure Home folder otn-toolbox folders Some new “notebooks” folders which you should ignore
Code Exists in folders The code is PUBLIC. You can see the code and change it in any way you want Changing files in these folders could break everything. You can recover by installing a new copy Recommend you change “copies”
DATA Folder The “data” folder exists independently from all the code It is accessible from RStudio or from Desktop/OTN-Toolbox NEVER delete or rename the data folder Copy files into the data folder to make them accessible to programs. In RStudio files should be saved into the “data” folder Folders will be lost or overwritten on an update if not in “data” folder.
R and PY Notebooks New wrappers for same code executed from RStudio GUI May find easier to use r-notebooks offer same set of functions available in Rstudio py-notebooks offer same set plus new functions In future all new functions developed will be done for py-notebooks
New Tools Available in PY-Notebooks only data_subsetting.ipynb Creates a subset of an input file based on a date range or a column value Useful when input file and run time are extremely large and long residence_index.ipynb Offers four methods to choose from. Mix and Match. interactive_residence_index.ipynb same as previous, different map visual_detection_timeline.ipynb Creates an interactive time series from a detection file.
File Preparation OTN detection extracts are ready to go as is. VUE CSV export needs preparation: Latitude and longitude columns must be filled in Rename column receiver station Rename column transmitter catalognumber Rename column datetime datecollected Column unqdetecid can be added with function add_uniquecid Data Subset If your file is very large use the subset tool: py_notebooks/data_subsetting.ipynb The data subset tool and add unique id tools are self explanatory . Stick your hand up if you need help.
Data Sub-setting: Demo http://localhost:18888/notebooks/py_notebooks/data_subsetting.ipynb
Notebook: Execution Current cell is highlighted with a blue or green bar on LHS. When a cell is highlighted clicking the run button will execute the code in the cell.
Exercise: Filter suspect detections (45 min) Copy your detection file into your “data” folder Choose one of the three urls In py-notebooks open load_and_filter_detections.ipynb In r-notebooks open filter_driver.ipynb In RStudio open filter_driver.r Need to do this to get a distance matrix Everyone needs to do the first step of this one, to get a distance matrix
Filter tool What to fill in These are the parameters you need to fill in Filename detection_radius (use 400)
Filter Tool Output Step 1 File of suspect detections File of calculated distances between stations (Distance Matrix) Step2 File of filtered detections (suspects removed) Distance Matrix (adjusted) Look at records 14 to 17 in suspect file Look at distance matrix
Exercise: Interval or Cohort data (15 min) For Interval data (one step) In py-notebooks or r-notebooks open interval_data_driver.ipynb In RStudio open interval_data_driver.r For Cohort Data (two steps) In py-notebooks open detection_compression.ipynb first then cohort_data.ipynb In r-notebooks open compress_driver.ipynb first then cohort_driver.ipynb In RStudio open compress_driver.r then cohort_driver.r Choose which one your data is more appropriate or interesting for you
Interval/ Cohort What to fill in Interval: use outputs from Filter step detection_file <- 'detections.csv' #Detection file input name distance_matrix <-'detections_distance_matrix_v00.csv‘ OR for Cohort Compression: detection_file <- 'detections.csv‘ Cohort (need output from compression step) time_interval <- 6 compressed_file <- 'compressed_detections.csv' File names will appear in messages. Cut them from messages and paste into current look. You will need the .csv suffix
Residence / Visual Timeline http://localhost:18888/notebooks/py_notebooks/residence_index.ipynb http://localhost:18888/notebooks/py_notebooks/visual_detection_timeline.ipynb
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Python solutions for common Science questions. Data Science from Scratch Joel Grus O’Reilly Media Inc 2015