HSR Core Co-Chairs: Emily Wang, MD Kathleen McGinnis, DrPH


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Presentation transcript:

HSR Core Co-Chairs: Emily Wang, MD Kathleen McGinnis, DrPH Members: K Akgun, K Bensley, C Brandt, L Brinkley-Rubenstein, H Chang, S Crystal, M Dugal, J Edelman, D Fiellin, J Gaither, T Ghose, A Gordon, K Gordon, R Greyson, S Haplin, D Harsono, N Kim, T Korthuis, K Kraemer, D Leaf, J Long, K Mattocks, K McInnes, D Rimland, V Marconi, M Ohl, M Perkins, C Rentsch, J Shidel, M Skanderson, H Swan, K Wang, E Williams, J Womack First I will tell you a little about the HSRD workgroup. Emily Wang and I co-chair the group. Members have diverse backgrounds and interests.

Recent VACS HSR Core Highlights Peer Reviewed Publications Gordon KS, Edelman EJ, Justice AC, Fiellin DA, Akgun K, Crystal S, Duggal M, Goulet JL, Rimland D, Bryant KJ. Minority men who have sex with men demonstrate increased risk for HIV transmission. AIDS Behav 2016; Oct 22 (Epub ahead of print). Howell BA, Long JB, Edelman EJ, McGinnis KA, Rimland D, Fiellin DA, Justice AC, Wang EA. Incarceration history and uncontrolled blood pressure in a multi-site cohort. J Gen Intern Med 2016; Sep 12 (Epub ahead of print). Korthuis PT, McGinnis KA, Kraemer KL, Gordon AJ, Skanderson M, Justice AC, Crystal S, Goetz MB, Gibert CL, Rimland D, Fiellin LE, Gaither JR, Wang K, Asch SM, McInnes DK, Ohl ME, Bryant K, Tate JP, Duggal M, Fiellin DA.  Quality of HIV Care and Mortality in HIV-Infected Patients.  Clin Infect Dis 2015; Sep 3. Wang EA, McGinnis KA, Goulet J, Bryant K, Gibert C, Leaf DA, Mattocks K, Fiellin LE, Vogenthaler N, Justice AC, Fiellin DA   Food insecurity and health: data from the veterans aging cohort study.  Public Health Rep 2015 May; 130(3):261-268. Wang E, McGinnis KA, Long J, Akgun K, Edelman J, Rimland D, Wang K, Justice AC, Fiellin DA.  Incarceration and health outcomes in HIV-infected patients: The impact of substance use, primary care engagement, and antiretroviral adherence.  Am J Addict 2015 Mar; 24(2):178-184.  Presentations Bensley K, et al., The association between AUDIT-C and mortality among Black, Hispanic, and White Male Patients Living with HIV. June RSA 2016. Kraemer K, et al. Substance Use Disorder Health Services Use and Pharmacotherapy in HIV Infected and Uninfected Patients, AHSR, Sept 2015. Robbins J, et al. Predictors of initiating opioid agonist therapy in a large U.S. cohort of HIV-infected and uninfected patients. SGIM, April 2016. Wilson N, et al. A retrospective analysis of HIV-associated gastrointestinal Symptom Burden and Inflammation in VACS. 2nd International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention, and Treatment, Nov 2016. Funding R01 AA022886 “Comparative Effectiveness of Alcohol and Drug Treatment in HIV-Infected Veterans” (PI – Kraemer) In recent years we have explored topics of food insecurity, MSM and HIV transmission risk, quality of care (using metrics such as # clinic visits, vaccine rates, ARV reciept, and monitoring of CD4/VL). Some of our work has focused on incarceration research – a main interest of Emily Wang. VACS collected survey data on incarceration in FU 6 and added a larger range of questions on the more recent VACS e-survey. We also explored incarceration data sources for a larger group of veterans including identifying primary care stop codes and also exploring using state dept of justice data. Current works in progress include examining microbial translocation and GI symptoms (dissertation project), the association of incarceration with HIV risk factors, we are exploring the association of spirituality with HIV outcomes, and there is also a dissertation project examining whether the association between alc use and mortality differs by race/ethnicity. Food insecurity Incarceration multiple sources of data identified: Survey data, PA DOJ data, ICD-9 codes Multiple papers published Microbial translocation, GI SX, and HIV MSM and Risk for HIV transmission