Outreach in Greece new LHC link in the Greek Outreach page seminars in schools at Lesvos island translation of LHC, CMS, ATLAS brochures LHC article in magazine 170 years of NTUA
new LHC link in the Greek Outreach page
seminars to schools at Lesvos island during the “4th Aegean Summer School on Black Holes” we have visited 10 schools giving 45’ (+30’) seminar to high school students (16-18 y) very positive reactions, especially from the older ones who are preparing their entrance to the university (organisation by the local authorities of the Ministry of Education) a talk to the open public, organised by the Amateur Astronomer Society of Lesvos (~40-45 participants)
translation of LHC, CMS, ATLAS brochures ...help from the NTU Press translation by post-graduate students the CMS brochure-cartoon is almost ready ...just for the web site (probable funding for printing)
LHC article in magazine
the Physics Department will organise 170 years of NTUA (3-7/12/2007) all 9 engineering schools organise events the School of Applied Mathematics and Physics organises “open doors” for the labs special events from the 4 departments (Mechanics, Mathematics, Physics and Sociol.& Econ.) the Physics Department will organise Particle Physics Master Classes (120 students) seminar to the open public by John Iliopoulos