Ch. 9 Organizing and Paying for Schools
School District Organization Local Board of Education Superintendent Central Office Staff Intermediate Units – Special School District
Powers & Duties of School Boards Obtain revenue Maintain schools Purchase sites and build buildings Purchase materials and supplies Organize and provide programs of study Employ necessary workers and regulate their services Admit and assign pupils to schools and control their conduct
School Organization Principal Assistant Principal Think about principals you knew when you were a student. How would feel about having one of them as your principal when you are a teacher? What do you think those principals would expect from you as a teacher? Assistant Principal Department Heads and Team Leaders Teachers School Support Staff See Figure 9.3 on page 231
Sources of Revenue for Schools Property Taxes and Local Revenue Advantages and Limitations to Property Taxes Stability Discourages rehabilitation and upkeep, assessment issues Progressive (ability) or Regressive (use) Look at the figure on p. 246
State Sources of Revenue & Differences Sales and Income Tax Gambling Differences Fig. 9.7
MO – 2011 Proposed B udget
State Foundation Programs Concept implies equity for taxpayers and students See Figure 9.8 Page 246 Limited Effectiveness: Frequently far below actual expenditure Does not provide for different needs (special ed and vocational)
Federal Government’s Role US Department of Education Leadership ERIC (Education Resources Information Center NCLB (No Child Left Behind) HQT (Highly Qualified Teachers) Licensed and degreed AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) Disaggregated test scores Economically disadvantaged Racial or ethnic groups Students with disabilities ELL
School Improvement Schools that fail to meet AYP… 2 consecutive years Identified “Needing Improvement 3 consecutive years Must offer supplemental services to low-income 4 consecutive years Must replace school staff, implement new curriculum, decrease management, appoint outside expert, extend school day or year, or change school structure 5 consecutive years Must be restructured
Politics in Education School Board Politics Superintendent Politics School Politics How do you feel about the suggestion that education is political and that you should develop your political knowledge and skill? In what ways do you see this being important to you, your teaching, your students, your school? Or, do you think that you can avoid politics as a teacher?
School Accountability Teacher Accountability Rewards for being accountable Merit Pay School and district report cards